BioAg SuperSil

Does anyone know where I can find a quart of this stuff?All I seem to find is 5gallons and it’s like almost 800$ My wife would kill me


Sadly no. I use agsil 16… it is very affordable! remember: silica has best efficacy when used as a feed supplement and not so much when used as a foliar spray

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“Using scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX), Samuels et al.
(1991a) showed that infection of Si-fed cucumber plants results
in a deposition of Si in host cell walls at hyphal penetration
sites. Associated with this response are a reduction in haustoria
formation and an increase in phenolic production (Menzies et
al., 1991b). Timed Si-feeding studies have also found that sol-
uble Si polymerizes quickly in cucumber leaves and that disease
development is suppressed only if Si is present in soluble form
(Samuels et al., 1991b). To minimize disease development, Si
must therefore be provided continuously in the nutrient feed.”

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I’ve had great results with Agsil 16H. I’ve been using it for a few years now. With it, plant stem and branches are noticeably thicker.

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:raised_hands: Its great stuff and at a price point that can’t be beat