Biochemical sequencing- order of nutrient uptake

Thanks to Hugh Lovel.

0- Sulfur is the ignition, catalyzing all biological processes.

1-Boron is the accelerator pedal, creating sap pressure.

2- Silica is the highway, transporting nutrients through the sap.

3- Calcium is the truck that travels on the silicon highway in the traffic of magnesium, potassium, and sodium (the other three major cations) collecting and carrying the nutrients that follow in the sequence.

4- Nitrogen is the precious cargo that enables complex chemistry and sets photosynthesis in motion with magnesium.

5- Magnesium is the power plant, allowing chlorophyll to function.

6- Phosphorus is the gas station providing chlorophyll a place to store energy during photosynthesis.

7- Carbon, as CO2, combines with water making sugar and releasing oxygen.

8- Potassium is the tour guide bringing the sugars wherever they most need to go.

The later functions cannot be preformed without the previous functions working. * This is why the law of minimums is so important- plants can only perform as well as their most deficient nutrients, because those deficient nutrients will legitimately stop biological processes in their tracks.



That’s pretty cool! All of this powers the biosynthesis of THC, CBD, and the 100s of other minor cannabinoids.


Put it all in the soil and let the plants/microbes sort it all out is my mantra!


[devils advocate mode]

…but by this one might infer that nutrient excesses were an impossibility! :smile: :nerd: :imp:




Great explanation, and it gave me a great mental image. Love it :heart_eyes::+1::+1::grin:


Now all we need is the relationship between r.h, p.h and nutrient uptake.