Let's talk plant nutrition

these are notes from a Harley Smith lecture for npk industries. a shorter version of the lecture can be found on you tube.
this is not a complete list i will add to it as i can
as always, feel free to add any info or debate given info.

Plant Nutrition

Nitrogen - Nitrogen is used for growth mostly during vegetative phase.
in the first half of a plants growth it will assimilate 80% of the nitrogen it needs for life.
the source of nitrogen affects the health of the plant.

Nitrate nitrogen - NO3- has a negative charge, is a luxury element. a plant will use 25-30% of the energy created by photosynthesis to assimilate nitrate nitrogen. over fertilizing with nitrate nitrogen will cause fast growth, larger cells with thinner cell walls, less carbohydrates for the roots, will have negative effects in flower, and will lower brix which in turn is very attractive to sucking insects. ( with a brix content of 12% or higher sucking insects will not recognize the plant as food and avoid it, also providing better medicinal properties for us.)
nitrate nitrogen can be stored by plants long term.

Ammonium Nitrogen - NH3 has a positive charge, under normal conditions is converted to nitrate by nitrifying bacteria in the soil. In sub par conditions, i.e. low temps, poorly aerated soil it can build up and can cause cell damage. NH3 aids in uptake of phosphorus.

Urea Nitrogen has similar properties to ammonium nitrate.

Phosphorus - P influences root growth, flowers and fruit size and stimulates more flowering sites.

Potassium - K influences the health and quality of the fruits and flowers, it can also be used to keep a plant from stalling…

Calcium - C strengthens cell walls and creates a stronger vascular system.
(cell wall strength is important in preventing fungi like PM.)
calcium can become locked out easily. Calcium is transported through the transpiration stream and relative humidity affects calcium uptake(which is why vpd is important.)
amino acids aid in calcium uptake.

Silica Silica is a beneficial mineral that strengthens stems and leaves, it also provides a home for microbial life in the roots.

Kelp Kelp is a natural bio-stimulant, contains natural growth hormones like giberillic acid, auxins and cytocynans. it also contains a wealth of micro nutrients. it can be used as a seed soak, and also promotes lateral growth.

Humic Acid Humic acid is an intermediate chelator. it also contains over 60 beneficial elements.
( mix 5 parts humic acid with 2 parts kelp for a great root stimulator.)

Fulvic Acid Fulvic acid is also a chelator, it is smaller and more bio-active than humic which makes it good for foliar feeds. it has a good iron content, iron in turn is a catalyst for chlorophyll and can stimulate the plant to harvest more light, activate enzymes, and helps develop medicinal compounds.

B vitamins B vitamins stimulate cell metabolism as well as microbial reproduction.


You share all the great info dude!


thanks bro, i just think the more we all know the better.
thinking of doing the next topic on 11-hydroxy-thc just trying to gather my notes.