Mixing Silicon / PK etc.. Help needed

Medium - ( coco coir / Perlite )
Watering method ( Hand water / watering can )
Stage ( Flowering - day 12 since flip )

So I’m currently mixing my nutrients in this order…

100L of Hard water ( I make sure it stands for 24 hours before adding anything )

  1. Ph the fresh tap water down to 7.0
  2. Add Shogun Silicon evenly and Ph down to 7.0 again.
  3. Add Coco A ( mix well )
  4. Add Coco B ( mix well )
  5. Add Rhizotonic / Canazym etc… mix well
  6. Add Sumo Boost mix well
  7. Add PK warrior or PK 13/14 mix well

Finally get a Ph reading and adjust down to ph level I need…

Would you say that the order I mix in is the recommended way to mix my nutrients…? or would I add the PK warrior or pk 13/14 at a different stage??

just want to double check this!




When I used to put Si I mixed Them as you do.I also use Canna Coco.
Would you elaborate on how hard Is your tap?
In french or german degree?
Mine Is pretty hard,too much maybe,Just to check if I could save on wasting water for RO filtering


mine is classed as hard UK water its about 7.6ph out the tap and i believe about 500-600ppm


Mine Is 7.8 pH and 300ppm
Usually you can find the hardness degree on municipal analisys of your Town/source on their web site
I can’t use mine because too much carbonates in It but still yours Is even higher in ppms so I wonder what Is the degree of hardness and what is inside It :thinking:
All those mineral do play a role in chemical of the Nutrient solution,they interact and that Is why It is important to know what we have inside

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Is the coco a + b canna or shogun ?

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Mine is all Shogun… however I dont have PK warrior at the moment but i do have Canna PK 13/14.

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The warior is 9/18
Canna is 13/14

Each one more suited to its original base brand

Was just thinking , it’s a lot different

Are you uk ?


Looks like he is by the comment. :+1:


Haha forgot as I was staring knee deep in labels
: )

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Yeah that’s a long list of nutrients :rofl:

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I will order the PK warrior i think then! its still a little early for PK anyway only just begining week 2 of flower…!


are you referring to mine above? i know haha I should just say base nutes additives but then you get the odd one who says i need to specify :stuck_out_tongue: so wanted to be crystal clear!

so does the process sound right? PK at the end ?

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Yep I sure was. That must take you an age to get mixed properly and at a ppm/ec you want.
You really don’t need much of that stuff and it really doesn’t increase your yield enough to make it a profitable buy. A decent bloom nutrient and some pk is usually enough to grow big plants. You’ve bought them now so continue and I’ll be watching. :+1::v:

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not the first time i’ve heard that to be fair to you!..

one pal, said… AB / ROOTS / PK UP midway through flower bit of DRAGON FORCE at the end and Canna MONO on hand for that correction…

Canna mono also has be confused at times he says he adds that last and doesnt correct ph

so for example… the mix is done then ph to 6.2 lets say… then add the cap of mono and leave it…? is he correct?

sure man feel free to follow along ive done a few grows recently which are on my budmeisters hobby hotel thread!

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I use vitalink one part nutrients with a little bigbud and last few weeks some overdrive and vitalink pk. Plants seem to be healthy enough.
Sometimes less is more.
I grow for profit mostly so spending £££ on nutrients is a no no.

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I see, ive heard good things about vitalink! and another i heard was good is nurture amplifier!

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I just bought 4 boxes of chempak 8 on eBay for like £28 including postage

That’s like £10 a kilo 12.5/25/25
( 1/2/2 )


think im starting to realise something here… lol

Never heard of it to be honest
If I was to recommend a nutrient I’d go megacrop all day if your in soil and hand watering. Megacrop doesn’t do well in hydro or gravity systems. Blocks lines too often. I used to buy it from the USA in 22lb bags back in the day as megacrop is all you need if watering by hand. I’m rambling sorry. You’ll find what works for you eventually.

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thats cool borther, enjoy reading everyones experiences and look… im happy to admit im no expert im still inexperienced but ive def leveled up from my first couple grows! like you said il find what works…

but def seeing sometimes less in def more with this…