Bitcoin for beginners

An excellent, and revolutionary idea… surely no one has ever thought of creating a new crypto to take advantage of the “crypto bubble” that caused any of these coins to have value in the first place! After all, if they created value from nothing and there’s no apparent foundation, surely you can do the same too… lightning is well-known to always strike the same place twice.

Oh, and get in line. :stuck_out_tongue: There are already nearly 20,000 cryptos that have been created by people thinking to take advantage, and they’re collectively known as “shitcoins.” There’s even one named shitcoin. In your case, Hempcoin was created in 2014 and has a daily trading volume of… well, not really sure. Yesterday it was $18, today it was $112. Maybe you’re starting the new Hempcoin gold rush! Or, maybe it’s just another nearly-defunct shitcoin that will go the way of AskJeeves.


I’m not affiliated with The Hempcoin

For the coin to function it requires very little value… Maybe THC " the Hempcoin" could get on board here…they have the right name and are already functional. One problem is they are a proof of work coin…kinda missing the point, but it’s so easy to modify a coin that it’s not a big deal. Again it isn’t about the coins value, it’s about it’s inherent use in this situation.


You wouldn’t have any experience making crypto or setting up a block chain would you?

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