It seems like there ought to be a way to code that overwrite/edit function out of the bigger picture. So that, once the first person is editing, a message would pop up that said that spot is taken, and do the same with each spot until it’s full. The only way to overwrite should be reserved for a mod or something.
It makes no sense for the people who got on the list first, to be taken off and replaced by another person who is last to the show, and replaces your name with his. You would never know until it was time for the seeds to start shipping. It’s happened to me twice, at least.
The way it is now rewards the late visitor. People can just swing by and catch the list at the right time, remove your name, get seeds, while never visiting or contributing to the site, while the everyday visitor/member who got on the list early, and did it by being more aware of what’s going on, by being involved with OG more often, loses his spot and only finds out t the last minute.
Hopefully, there is better way to keep that list secure.
This is filling up quick! Stoked for these and cannot wait to do my own Goji hunt! Thank you to ALL involved and to you @The_Lazy_Hippie for giving up all of these gems so those of us not fortunate enough to get any may all experience the powers of Goji as well as Bodhis exceptional skills.
i used to do some website development (mostly frontend with some backend integration). given what i know from that experience, the problem with the wiki is that it’s all just interpreted as text and there isn’t any actual coding or database creation/entry for these wikilists. whether we type in lists, or have one person controlling the editing of the wiki, the backend system just sees it all as a big piece of text. it can’t differentiate the user in spot #1 from the user in spot #100, since it’s not programmatically meant to.
to create something less problematic where people aren’t overwriting one another would either be custom coding or taking an existing piece of functionality and altering it to fit our purposes.
Hey thanks for fixing it. The first time it said it didn’t work so I did it again. Then I saw 2, so I deleted the other one. At least I thought I did, lol.