Sunshine Daydream f1 open pollination

Hey all! I hope this is the right spot for this thread. I wasn’t sure where to post it. Mods feel free to move it if it’s not in the right spot.

This is a project I am really excited about. Sunshine Daydream is one of my all-time favorites. I held a cut of sunshine daydream I found from seed for years. It was like medicine for me.

Thanks to this awesome site I was lucky enough to acquire 7 female and 7 male original f1 sunshine daydream + a 12 pack of original sunshine daydream seeds.

@Tykal sent me 6 male and 6 female sunshine daydream f1 clones.
@syzygy sent me an original sunshine daydream seed that turned out to be male. But it’s a beast! Best looking male of the 7 for sure.
And @HorseBadorites sent me clones of his keeper cut of sunshine daydream + an entire 12 pack of original Bodhi Sunshine Daydream seeds!

So that’s how this open pollination project was born. Once again, a HUGE thanks to you all! Your generosity is very much appreciated!

This first open pollination will be with the 7 females and 7 males I have ready to go. Well, 6 males now. I am going to cull a male that is auto-flowering in veg.

Then I plan to do an even bigger open pollination as soon as possible with the 12 pack of seeds added in to the 13 f1’s I already have. I haven’t sprouted the seeds yet but plan to do that soon.

Oh, and there will also be a @Bobgrows ’92 Kush (which is supposed to be a very special lady!) female included in the open pollination too, just because I had an extra clone of it, and because it’s a strain I’m super excited about.

Here’s a pic of the sunshine daydream plants I took today after I stripped them down and took clones from the plants I needed to get clones from. I also had to cut the tops off most of the females because they were way too tall.

They females are in 2 gallon pots and the males are in 1 gallon pots. They were stuck in an overcrowded veg room much longer than I had planned when I put them in those small pots. So everything got overgrown on me and probably a bit root bound which has caused them to not be as healthy as they could/should be.

I plan to flip to flower in the next week or so, give or take. I just want to give them a chance to recover + get them healthier before flipping to flower.

So hopefully there will be lots of sunshine daydream f2’s coming in a few months!


I’ll be hanging out with ya. Thanks for doing this!
Surprisingly enough, I’ve never got to grow this.
Best of luck my friend.



We will have to get you some SSDD f2’s and fix that! lol


I’ll be watching closely ! My preservation run went a bit south. I really wish I could give it another shot to properly do it. :man_shrugging:t2:

I wish you the best- this is also my #1 favorite strain of all time. Been smoking it for months now.




On the flip, I’ve never smoked it so I’ll be sticking around to watch this project and get some beans so I can smoke it one day!


You’ll love it. This strain will be coming to auto. I have the pollen saved :slight_smile: 50:1 diluted with baked flour. OooooOooOooweeeeeeeee


I’ll be following. I never got to try SSDD in its original form. Only crosses.


Never got to run this before 🫤, so I am in to watch the grow show. Good luck :four_leaf_clover: with this run, :beers: to success! :partying_face::star_struck::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::v:

IMG_4741 IMG_5034 IMG_4734


Very cool project. Settled in for the show


I’ve also only ever grown crosses. Excited to watch your progress :heart_eyes::sunglasses:


Scoot scoot! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I am out of likes at the moment and will be watching as well. I have two Bodhi packs I want to reproduce seeds of and spread here on OG. I will be taking notes and asking a LOT of questions!



With @HolyAngel constantly raving about it, I am excited to see you expanding the SSDD line, I can’t wait to see how they grow!


Love me some “Sunshine Daydream”!
It’s a good Sunshine Daydream kinda smoke as well… lol

BTW… it’s a 90’s Kush


This is very exciting to see! :smiley:


Very cool, I have the same plants from @Tykal and am in the midst of a reproduction and some selective breeding.

I wonder if they came to us numbered the same, if so it would be good to compare notes.

I’m now questioning if maybe I should shift gears and make my selection and dedicate all the space to that rather than an OP since you’re further along than me :thinking: I’ve posted some of the plants in the Bodhi plant guide and in my grow log if you’d like to check them out. Mine just recently came out of stress testing and some test flips.

Anyway, best of luck, I’ll be following along to see how things go. If you ever want to chat about what you’re seeing feel free to hit me up :v:


Great plans, nice work!! I would love to get my hands on some of those. I heard they make great extracts. I’m interested in how you think they fair. sweet! Look at this guy doing the Lord’s work over here…


Oh man! This is going to be a fun one! Will be following along.

Hoping to pop some SSDD F2s and crosses very soon!


Not to overstep but I think if you did a Selection instead of an open pollination, it would be a favor to your breeding program and you could always source some open pollination seeds as well!