BODHI tester: hippy slayer 33×88g13hp 🌱

This here is the only one…found in the bottom of the jar. It had to be in the small jar of what I kept for myself mixed with #7 and 4 buds…might try it…


Looks great!

Was this strain difficult to get the feeding dialed in?

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That sucks man. I cant stand a nanner. Plants are dope af bro! I still got you too. I aint forget you bud. Holidays are almost over. :call_me_hand::fire::v:

Shit im late. Hehe sorry. Id plant it on a random run. I think everyone should have expermiental runs, but some of us have different goals. Fire Mr James.


I would try it if you only grow for yourself why not

I won’t make seeds but if a plant hermies I’ll give it a go


Nanners usually show towards the end of the cycle, with a good percentage being sterile.
Which means the plants about done and trying to reproduce itself.
Look out for balls, buddy that’s where the damage comes from.

The nanners if you’re trying to make fem stock is what you want for pollen, au natural.
No chemicals, no foolin


Ahhh. I see. Like a last ditch to try to reproduce itself. Wondered why some plants had nanners and no nuts hardly a seed and one was loaded down.


Two of the fems did infact get nanners…maybe a week or two before the two that didn’t. O kept a clone from all to run again …to see if its something I did.


The nanners are usually so tight and actually in the bud, makes them tough to open on their own.


I kinda hope it from #7 the taller green pheno…that girl reeked…either or it’ll be interesting


Annnnnnd were back…with another tester round. This time we have 4 gmo×wookie, and 6 chem d/purple unicorn ×wookie. :fire:…here’s the 4 gmo/wookie. I attempted to verm 7 of each but 3 gmo damped off and one chem d…gmo/wookie

…and the chem d/pu/wookie.


Sup of, here’s the gang as of a cpl days ago. I have now filmed them. There’s 3 chem d×purple unicorn ×wookie girls abs looks like 2 gmod×wookie. They’ve gotten taller than I wanted in the 1gal so I guess when I’m ready to switch I’ll yp pot to 2gal

the first pic is if the gmo/ wookie, the second is of the chem d/pu/wookie with the bottom right a fem hong kong phooey.


Heres an update on the wookie testers , got 3 girls of chem d/purple unicorn/wookie, and 2 of the gmo/wookie. They have been flipped for about a week or so.

20200722_152242 and here’s the gmo/w lol. I was in a rush… I’ll get better later :v:t5:. the one that didn’t load cd/pu/w


Damn skippy those are some beautiful looking ladies :star_struck:

@Jamescoldflame great job

Can’t wait for a smoke report


Update heres the girls in wk2 ish of bloom.

those are the gmo/wookie girls they’re coming along from the looks of them two I’d say the chem d/purple unicorn/wookie are more vigorous, these are getting lanky, (door knob for reference)… and heres the chem d/pu/w … …like I said I believe these are out shining the gmo/w, to me structure, growth rate, and all around vibe from these are seemingly better. But it a ways from finished. Thinking of sticking a gmo/w clone outdoor in a 5gal fabric pot. And see how it flowers . Wont expect nothing great as it’s two days from August so the girls outdoor are starting to pre flower . Still might do it.:v:t5:


Heres an update…idk what I was expecting…but 6/7 foot ladies in 2gal was not it lol. There a little stretchy but still. Lol.

the first 2 pics are gmo/wookie, the last 2 are the 3 chem d/purple unicorn/wookie. This was about awk ago.