BOG LSD co-op run

Ok, here you go @Til_Valhalla. It’s simple really. I take a large metal salad bowl and grab each branch. Lean the branch over the bowl and tap/bang the branch against the bowl. Make sure you turn off all fans in the room prior to doing this. Repeat for each branch and you end up with this.


Now take that material and put it in a pollen shaker a few inches deep and shake the shaker. I like to bang it on my hand as I shake which drops the pollen through the screen and it collects in the bottom.


After that is done you are left with nice clean pollen and no plant material.

Now spread the pollen out on something as thin as your space will allow and let dry for a couple days in low RH. Then I take the pollen and seal it in an ammo box with a gasket and portable dehumidifier. Make sure to stir it daily in case there is any moisture in it. I have a couple of these which work well. It get’s down to around 7% RH in that box. After a week or so once the humidity is down to that area you can refrigerate or freeze the pollen depending on how long you want to keep it. To send I just buy small jewelry bags for pennies a piece and use a 1/8th teaspoon to dole it out. That is plenty of pollen as a grain of pollen needed to make a seed is actually smaller than the human eye can see.

This is just over 44 grams of dry BOG Sweet and Sour Cindy pollen.

pollen king Final

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: