BOG LSD co-op run

Ok, here you go @Til_Valhalla. It’s simple really. I take a large metal salad bowl and grab each branch. Lean the branch over the bowl and tap/bang the branch against the bowl. Make sure you turn off all fans in the room prior to doing this. Repeat for each branch and you end up with this.


Now take that material and put it in a pollen shaker a few inches deep and shake the shaker. I like to bang it on my hand as I shake which drops the pollen through the screen and it collects in the bottom.


After that is done you are left with nice clean pollen and no plant material.

Now spread the pollen out on something as thin as your space will allow and let dry for a couple days in low RH. Then I take the pollen and seal it in an ammo box with a gasket and portable dehumidifier. Make sure to stir it daily in case there is any moisture in it. I have a couple of these which work well. It get’s down to around 7% RH in that box. After a week or so once the humidity is down to that area you can refrigerate or freeze the pollen depending on how long you want to keep it. To send I just buy small jewelry bags for pennies a piece and use a 1/8th teaspoon to dole it out. That is plenty of pollen as a grain of pollen needed to make a seed is actually smaller than the human eye can see.

This is just over 44 grams of dry BOG Sweet and Sour Cindy pollen.

pollen king Final

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Just snatched up 2 of those mini dehumidifiers. I’m going to try to start collecting/sharing some pollen.

Thank you for posting


No problem. You won’t be disappointed with those dehumidifiers. If in a sealed container with a gasket they do a great job of taking almost all the humidity out of the air. When the center piece changes color you just pop open the plug on the back side and plug straight into the wall. I bought the first in Nov of 2023, it’s been recharged twice and works as well as the day I bought it.


Is there a link for this?


Here you go @Smooth. It’s on sale for $15 on Amazon. The last one I bought here in Canada was $55 :roll_eyes:


I saw it was on sale for 15 and snatched 2 right up.


Do you think this would work in a wine fridge for a diy cannatrol? Or would it be to tiny?


I would say no, the amount of moisture in all that plant matter would most likely be way to much for these little units.


Wine fridges are their own dehumidifiers :grin::metal:

Hmm, but not that dry, nm…


The description says it works in areas as large as a small closet. I imagine you would need to refresh it every day when the buds are wet. Get 2 and just keep swapping them out.


thank you sir. appreciate you writing that up.


No, you would want an electrostatic dehumidifier like they use in the Cannatrol’s, plus some sort of controller that you can use to program the unit to shut off so it doesn’t overly dry your buds. These are too small and the silica used could easily over dry your buds if your RH is not closely monitored.


Hey Hey Pollen King, thanks for that awesome How-Too!!

Really appreciate those perfect stages
@DougDawson being visualized

To the Dust OG !!


by all means. you have helped me out, be glad to return the favor.
i hope i’m able to produce enough. seems there is more interest than anticipated. this male only has 2 branches. i took cuttings before i flipped him in case something went wrong. we’ll see what all i can produce.

you and i have discussed my GDP project before. i was aware of your interest. knew you wanted seed, wasn’t aware you wanted pollen.

you’re interested in some GDP pollen also.

that leaves @Sodapop and @Originalweedman on top of the list on who approached me first (in that order - soda’s going to get first crack. he started giving me tips and pointers on my GDP project within the first 3-5 days of me joining OG. so… student’s gotta give his sensei props first.)

well guys, i hope i can produce enough to satisfy everyone this round. if not, i DO have two clones of this male fixing to go into solos (they rooted in record time - this is a special male after all… especially for typically slow growing GDP - i’m glad i kept cuttings)

i don’t have a metal bowl (yet) but i have an idea to use some parchment paper in a high walled long box to tap the branches over. i have been tapping him over the clones twice a day. big clouds of dust. (makes me sneeze) will do it over the box from now on (until i get some metal bowls - need new mixing bowls anyways)

i’m thinking to use my trim tray to sift the pollen from the plant parts until i can get a pollen shaker (or make one?)

just gotta worry about the RH. it’s been raining daily for a month plus now… pretty soggy outside. AC working overtime with the dehumid…


i second that! headed mini dehumidifier shopping. was wondering where to get the pollen shaker? :thinking:


Got me one. Thanks @DougDawson


We have, you’re absolutely right. I’ve been following along and know your male is pretty wicked, so grabbing a little of him to try some of my own mixes sounds way too tempting :grin:

If you don’t mind, and there is some available, I would definitely dig some pollen (too :grin:)


Search for powdered sugar shaker on amazon

I got one branded Ateco for 10usd


I’m not a sensei of yours in anyways Val! Brothers we may be and equals without a doubt but you’re by far the better and more active grower between us! I’m still navigating housing and would actually be more than willing to forego my spot to @misterbee who’s kindness extends to all of us on OG and any project he does with GDP would be a benefit to all of us


thanks for the info. eva-dry is rolling this way. sugar shaker to follow. :wink: