BOG LSD co-op run

Dude, thank you for this. I read through most of these after I left my comment and I think I’m starting to understand. Let’s see if I have this right…

  1. First, must reach TL2 or TL3.

  2. Next, wait for someone to start a co-op run thread (like this one). The thread creator eventually starts a wiki for their run. Wait for the wiki to open and add self (being careful not to overwrite any previous entries).

  3. Finally, after signing up up for a co-op run. At this point we wait for the Co-op Boxes to be released (April/October) and handle all payment & info thru the dedicated website.

I think I have a handle on the overall process. Still have a few questions though.

  • Is there a limit to how many co-op seed runs a user can sign up for during any spring/fall period? (Other than being limited by the number of users doing seed runs and the available signup slots for them, obv.) I’m not trying to sign up for everything, just want to make sure I’m doing it right.
  • Is there a special thread title/keyword to indicate if a wiki is open for users to sign up?
  • How do we easily search for seed run co-op threads? I tried using the search bar but nearly all of the results are for closed threads.
  • It seems like there are a few other threads that have a space for a wiki like this BOG LSD run , but it’s too early to sign up for them. Does the thread creator usually make an announcement that the wiki is open? Is there a way to bookmark the wiki post and receive a notification when the wiki is open?
  • I get that these runs are all first-come-first-served. But how quickly do the wikis usually fill up? I would hate to get myself excited about a run only for the wiki to fill up within two hours during the day when I’m at work.

I’m probably overthinking all of this. My assumption is that there will be more seed run sign-up threads opening over the next couple of months since right now the spring box is being prepared, and any open threads will be for this fall at the earliest. Thank you for providing the great info and trying to help a new guy learn his way around this place!

Peace :frog: