BOG LSD co-op run

thanks @DougDawson for your hard work and efforts always go above and beyond. You are the man!!

How nice to be able to follow another hunt here!!!
Good luck :four_leaf_clover:ā€¦
Wishing good vibes!!!



Dude, thank you for this. I read through most of these after I left my comment and I think Iā€™m starting to understand. Letā€™s see if I have this rightā€¦

  1. First, must reach TL2 or TL3.

  2. Next, wait for someone to start a co-op run thread (like this one). The thread creator eventually starts a wiki for their run. Wait for the wiki to open and add self (being careful not to overwrite any previous entries).

  3. Finally, after signing up up for a co-op run. At this point we wait for the Co-op Boxes to be released (April/October) and handle all payment & info thru the dedicated website.

I think I have a handle on the overall process. Still have a few questions though.

  • Is there a limit to how many co-op seed runs a user can sign up for during any spring/fall period? (Other than being limited by the number of users doing seed runs and the available signup slots for them, obv.) Iā€™m not trying to sign up for everything, just want to make sure Iā€™m doing it right.
  • Is there a special thread title/keyword to indicate if a wiki is open for users to sign up?
  • How do we easily search for seed run co-op threads? I tried using the search bar but nearly all of the results are for closed threads.
  • It seems like there are a few other threads that have a space for a wiki like this BOG LSD run , but itā€™s too early to sign up for them. Does the thread creator usually make an announcement that the wiki is open? Is there a way to bookmark the wiki post and receive a notification when the wiki is open?
  • I get that these runs are all first-come-first-served. But how quickly do the wikis usually fill up? I would hate to get myself excited about a run only for the wiki to fill up within two hours during the day when Iā€™m at work.

Iā€™m probably overthinking all of this. My assumption is that there will be more seed run sign-up threads opening over the next couple of months since right now the spring box is being prepared, and any open threads will be for this fall at the earliest. Thank you for providing the great info and trying to help a new guy learn his way around this place!

Peace :frog:


Glad I could help. Sounds like you got it! :+1:t3:

And no, those are all good questions. Easily answered by someone like @DougDawson. :wink:
Iā€™d have to do some research.
Iā€™ll also encourage you to do the same.
The Search feature can be quite helpful sometimes.


Answers to the best of my knowledge:

Donā€™t think so. Just gotta have the payment made.

Like above us, it will be in the Breeders Lab, under Seed Runs. You can follow to Co-OP run, but the wiki for the run generally doesnā€™t open until the reproduction is deemed successful.

Answered up thereā¬†ļø I thinkā€¦

Yes, but most attempt a soft announcement. To avoid a rush to the wiki(which tends to create some confusion, chaos, and overwrites).
To solve this, set the topic to ā€œWatchā€.
Remember, poor edits and lack of flags can result in a disqualification from that run.

Some faster than others. Setting on Watch is your best alert.

I hope this helps buddy!
Anyone else wanna chime in here?


I sent a PM trying to help too. Many blessings and much love


It looks like you got the answers you need. Announcements are discouraged as it creates a mess of the wiki. You end up with everyone signing up over top of each other and overwriting. That forces folks like myself, who are in the action group, to have to go through hundreds of edits adding hours of work so no, announcements are frowned upon. The best way to know a signup went up is to follow the grow. When you get multiple alerts from the thread all of a sudden, you know whatā€™s going one. It usually takes a couple days to fill up a wiki so no real worry about missing out while being at work for a day.


In the past I remember seeing a bunch of @ notifications whenever people were signing up for wikiā€™s of any thread I happen to have set to watching but noticed that hasnā€™t happened for a little while now. Curious if that was a systemwide change or if I happened to change my settings without realizing it?

I like that it doesnā€™t give those notifications as much anymore because I feel it gives preference to those who actually read and keep up with the threads rather than just setting it to watching and waiting for the wiki. Even still, like you say, when watching threads since they begin and keeping up on them, it becomes pretty obvious when wikis get opened because the volume of comments seems to jump pretty high pretty quickly with everyone sharing their thanks and such. Many blessings and much love


I donā€™t know of any system changes bud. Is it possible you set them to tracking instead of watching? The asking people to stop giving shootouts when signups go up happened a couple boxes ago when we saw the worst wiki of all time. Hundreds of edits and hours of wasted time going through them was not fun at all. I feel itā€™s more natural the way it goes now. Those following the thread know pretty quickly that a wiki went live and get first crack at signing up as they should. Then others start catching on. It spaces things out a bit, gives the first crack to the followers and the wikis tend to run smoother.



Ok LSD fans, just moved the seeds into my germination station so they are all tucked away with a heat mat under them. Here we goā€¦

Also a good thing to note is the seed right above the left side of my temp probe is saying hi.


Have an amazing night OG. :v:


I find myself looking forward to the pollen collection just as much as the seeds on your grows lol. Ready to see you break your record


I misspoke, it wasnā€™t the @ mention, it was the pencil edit icon. On the threads I have set to watching it used to show a pencil edit icon notification along with the corresponding members name whoever performed the edit. I went back through my notifications to see and it last happened for me in October '23 for the Vortex signup and Iā€™m pretty sure it happened on all of them before that too, but since the Sweet and Sour Cindy signup I havenā€™t seen that pencil edit notification when other members edit a wiki on a thread I have set to watching. Many blessings and much love


Going to give it a shot but likely only get a month of veg due to me shutting down for the summer. We shall see how it goes but there will be some collecting for sure. Just donā€™t think I will be breaking my 1/4 + pollen collection on this one. The 2 + weeks I lost when the first seeds didnā€™t germinate really cost me. But hey, thatā€™s growing for you.


They might have made a change in the background I am unaware of or perhaps did an upgrade that turned off a flag. Canā€™t say for sure.


Great to see the preservation on Bogs gear thanks for everything you do Doug.


Seriously! Totally agree @Jim. This is such wonderful access to providing tools for continuing the work with these seed increases. Having pollen from the parents to go along with seeds of itā€™s progeny is such a helpful tool in maintaining fitness across generations of seed and throughout selections. Itā€™s such a great resource! Massive respect to @DougDawson for dusting the globe with all the awesome BOG pollen to go along with your reproductions. Many blessings and much love


Thanks @Papalag , great to have you along. :v:


Iā€™m always in the wings checking things out brother šŸ„·


Nice, new bud run staring this weekend as well. Thinking Frankenstein and Blue Moon Rocks although I got my eye on a pack of Frosted Cobra from Baked Beanz. The pic of the jar blew my mind, lol.



Speaking of Baked Beanz, has anyone seen @SamwellBB moving about da Campus? Think I might have to PM the Brother. SS/BWā€¦mister :honeybee: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: