BOG LSD co-op run

Did you find much of a difference?


I’ve seen it used a lot with automatic plants, but I’ve also seen it used with photoperiods. Ultimately, the important thing is to have reached where you are! From then on it’s 12/12, so it literally worked out.

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@DougDawson Plants are looking great!

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This is incredible doug! I’m a big fan of games here! I have some devices haha my wife’s family made arcade machines in the past, nothing compares to this project from 10 years ago from what I saw on YouTube, and man what a video that one hallowen friend! there was even a ghost hologram :ghost: that operating table was sinister, great art brother :trophy:


It’s hard to say being the first time running these but I did seem to get really fast growth once they established roots in the new pots.

Thanks bud, we love our Halloween. It’s a big day for us.


Ah the cabin. Still planning to get me something like this in the future.

Have fun Doug :raising_hand_man:

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Thanks bud. This is my happy place, I plan to retire here. Just sitting in my recliner now and peering out the window. Can’t beat the view.


My grandparents used to live on a lake when they were still around.

Its a whole different vibe. Miss it.


Here is my view. Enjoy!


That is absolutely beautiful, @smooth.


Thanks Buddy. As is your place.


Enjoy your vacation DD. Your place looks beautiful.


Will do, thanks for the work you’re doing. Ive heard nothing but good things about this strain so i’d REALLY love to give it a try.

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Group of Seven out each window…
And a cannabis-lined trail system lol
Have a great stay @DougDawson


Hey there OG. So I am back home and not a moment too soon for my plants. Seems my daughter was a little over zealous with the feeding. All my plants are still wet from yesterdays watering and most of the saucers they were in were also full along with the tent floor being all wet. They are doing fine but I am glad they were like this for less than 24 hours. I have 3 fans going in that tent so that was helpful for them in such high humidity. Oh well, doesn’t look like any harm was done. Here they are a few minutes ago.

Well onward we go. Have yourselves an amazing night OGers. :v:


I constantly do the same thing as your daughter. I need someone holding my hand when it comes to growing in dirt :joy:.

The plants look awesome nonetheless!


Yeah, I don’t blame her. She is not a grower. I can tell by lifting the pot how much they need but I don’t expect her to know. This is why I shut down in the summers. Can’t leave them for 1 and 2 weeks at at a time. If these were watered like that for a week or 2 they would be toast. But hey, they got watered, lol.


That’s a big reason I grow the way I do, I only have to remember to put fish food in the feeder, everything else takes care of itself… I could go away for a couple weeks and they’d be fine, they be out of control, but they’d be alive and happy, lol.

I’d love to figure out the dirt thing though. Unless you go with an auto pot, dirt seems like the most versatile when it comes to tent layout.


I am a coco guy all the way, it’s what I am used to.


They are stretching very quickly! Did you clone them? Do you want to test something to stay with you? the forest is taking over! :call_me_hand:t4:

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