BOG LSD co-op run

I have some wick-based watering pots that I don’t use 24/7 - I prefer to water manually and gauge how much any given plant is consuming.

Anyhow, point is that I am pretty sure that I could leave for around 8 or 9 days before the plants would become dry. I got the systems just to be able to comfortably take shorter trips.


Looking good in those tents as usua doug!


Seems like you should be testing automatic watering systems for Amazon instead of vacuums :sweat_smile: I picked one up for like 30 bucks and it ain’t that bad to be honest. Two would have been better for more drippers per pot. Its keeps em alive while im on my many adventures… Just figuring out the schedule is the hard part. Don’t be like me and wait till ya have a foot out the door and a taxi waiting to figure it out though lol.


I sorry but I sure you don’t see many comps on this but I love seeing your grow area !!! It’s always nice and clean and organized!! The way you should do things well done !!!


Good morning OG. Just a quick pic of my other plants. These are the poor plants I left in the seedling bags 2 weeks too long. I am very surprised they survived but here they are.

Have an amazing day OGers. :v:


That are still nice and healthy looking brother :muscle:
Your doing an amazing job as always :raised_hands:


is that frankie in the top left?


Thanks @HappyTrees23s.

Yes it is @Til_Valhalla , been unhappy since it sprouted but I can’t bring myself to kill her.


that’s such a bummer. i have had nothing but opposite results. it’s in a 32oz cup and it has outgrown all the others - exponentially. i have topped it 4 times, weaved ith thru the scrog and now have had to supercrop all the branches as they grew over the light. it’s finally stopped it’s stretch (i think?) and is packing on the flowers. all lower leaves turning yellow and falling off. upper stuff reamins green. i wish i had a good photo for you, but frankie has woven its way all around the grow space. really hard to pick out with the other plants in there with it.

regardless, it’s placed right in the center. you’ll probably be able to see the supercropped branches if you look close enough.


Nice. I have heard nothing but good things about the Fem Frankie seeds. Not sure why this one plant has been such a pain considering they all get the same light and feed but it’s not a big deal. I have a bunch more I can plant next round.


the only thing i can say is that frankie is a nitrogen hawg… it’s grows super fast and starts eating it’s lower leaves right away (in veg). it was my first time growing it so was taken by surprise. took me a bit to get it’s nitrogen jones evened out.

regardless, not going to drive your thread too far off topic.
the LSD look nice and healthy. really interested to see what you end up with for M/F ratios.


No worries at all. All my plants, including the LSD, are getting the exact same feed I give pretty much all my plants for most of their life. Being I only planted the one seed it’s hard to say if it’s a nute issue or if I just had a bad seed there. I am just going to let it do it’s thing and see what happens but not expecting much. I refuse to mix separate nutes for one plant, just too much of a PITA really. I will grow them again when I got more time to fiddle with them. :v:


oh. no doubts here. the LSD look lush and healthy.
i would suspect bad seed over something you’re doing wrong. bad seeds happen.

hopefully your frankie rights itself when it’s flower time.


Yup, where there is life, there is hope. I just flipped them because my season is coming to an end so we shall see. Even if I get a few joints out of the plant, it will be worth it. I really enjoyed Frankie when I smoked it.


This is totally true, my Frankie seedling started eating up the lower leaves when there were only 2-3 nodes!


In @GrouchyOldMan ’s grows with Frankie fems he noticed 2 distinct growth patterns that wound up being called “Hilda” for the big vigorous ones, and “Olive” for the little yellow weak ones, I grew it last season and had the same experience. Looks like an Olive to me.


i guess i lucked out with a hilda…

cool info. thanks for sharing.


Good morning OG. Just dropping a couple pics from this morning. Plants still coming along nicely. Should start seeing some male/female expression any time now. Here they are today.

Have an amazing day OGers.


If you took each of Doug’s “Good morning Overgrow” pictures and built a deck, it would look pretty cool flipping through watching those plants grow…



Yes, I’m sure it would be great, like a thumb cinema! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Or like a quartet with BOG strains :smiley:

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