BOG LSD co-op run

235 Thank You

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147 beans šŸ«˜ thanks @DougDawson

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326 is my guess!

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Maybe 267 beans?

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352 šŸ«£ seems like bean overload!

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222 beans šŸ«›

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I think @Illicitmango is closest. Iā€™ll pick 178

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My guess is 320

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421 please

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Hey Gang!
Dr CBD, is a plant that I grew last summer to use for anybody that needed it. Locally was the tag-line.

Tinctures & Butter have been made, and thereā€™s still some Bud.

If there are a couple of people (Dog-Owners) here in the Peoples Republic of Ontarioā€¦ that want to try this ā€œcanine anxiety-releaseā€ method out; Iā€™d like to make something happen

PM me, Thats the only way Forward !

Greetings @Gpaw. Picture was taken out at the sand-trap. Dr. CBD did not go in the ground, but it did get spoiled

sorry @DougDawson for blurting this out there.

re: Dog Anxiety; Ahem, Carry-on


260 I say. Go ledlight!!

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423 beans :crossed_fingers:t3:ā€¦

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222 beans is my guess

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169 @DougDawson :question:
Good luck extracting the seedsā€¦I hate this step :sweat_smile:

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167 for the win :1st_place_medal: of course! :joy::joy::joy:


My guess is 290 beans


My guess is 91 beans, please! :star_struck: :heart_eyes:

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54 beans is the answer

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Guessing 343

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Definitely 242