BOG LSD co-op run

465 seeds is my guess

  1. For the win

Imma say 785

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850 is my guess.

And congrats for the run!

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I think 999 :notes:

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I’ll guess 545

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I think will up my count to 650 beans, thanks @DougDawson

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562 beans! For the win!

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762 is my guess!


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Outta likes, again, lol

I’m going to guess 1102 :grin:. Nothing written down anywhere, yeah? Haha :metal:

Good luck everyone!!

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Guess 439 beans @DougDawson

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1345 and a big Thanks for the entire grow show​:smiley::smiley::smiley:

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Maybe 669?

Very nice ride, @DougDawson ; thank you for bringing us along on it!

Happy Friday and good luck everybody!


I guess 485 seeds

Edit: Updated to 550

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Great job Doug

I will guess 520 seeds

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275 seeds give or take a few

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1178 approximately

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My guess is 620

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395 would be my guess
But probably way off

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483 beans…
