BOG LSD co-op run

Really cool idea for the paddle board and JAWS!!


Im gonna guess 762 beaners.


527 is my guess. Thank you!

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I just have to guess, 412 seeds.

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Guessing 420 just because it has to be done


Ok, love that album.

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You’ve got all the cool gadgets!

Going to make it up there one day.


683, I remember this game! And no thanks to the ocean. I came face to face with a 12’ sand tiger shark at Jones beach on Long island NY. I used to go to the beach down there when I was a kid every weekend every summer until I was 12. I ha e nit gone back in the ocean since, and I never will again. My wife and kids were behind me getting to shore, and my plan was to jam my thumb in its rue as it bit my leg in half. But it turned and swam along the shore through a crowd of people that never even knew it was there. I’m done foolen with that


@Cannabiscrusader that’s insane!! I’d never go back in the water

Seeing this did it for me,


643 seeds in that bud


Maybe 303 beans?

Thanks , @DougDawson , and good luck everybody!

Watch out for sharks :shark: Doug!



🫣 :grimacing: :scream:


283 seeds is my guess :slightly_smiling_face:

Ft. Meyers Florida, I was 7 years old on an inflatable raft when I saw a crowd of people gathering by the water. I was the only one in the water and as it’s the gulf of mexico and it was windy it’s not like I could see anything in the water with the churning murkyness.

That’s when a wave caught me and pushed me towards the crowd resulting in many of the people yelling at me and pointing in the water in front of me where the next wave ended up pushing me…

And that’s when it happned… I was knocked off the raft by something MUCH BIGGER THAN ME and I screamed and panicked bolting through the dark water and onto shore.

I was greeted with hard laughter from of which I rather didn’t appreciate until I calmed down and saw what knocked me off my raft…

It was the “DEADLY” SEA COW!

I still don’t like dark water… but that was due to accidentally swimming in the middle of this thing on a dare from my dad without realizing the “depth” of the situation.



333 seeds for sure

I’ll hazard a guess of 386 (DX with a math co-processor :wink: )


Manatees are no joke either. You wake one up and ot will knock you out with its tail.

When I saw that shark, the waves were going up and down, as they do. We were just past the breakers floating on boards. We decided to go back and have lunch by the cooler so we hop off the boards and my wife looked behind me and bolted. I turned around as the waves were transitioning. Saw it for a second about 2 feet from me. It looked like a guy on a surfboard under the water for a second, then I saw teeth, so many teeth. I assumed the lotus position while my wife grabbed the kids. By the time the waves cycled again it was turned sideways so I could see exactly why the lotus position was going to be ineffective. Luckily we didn’t have to find out. My balls floated like a buoy that day.

This motherfucker

Just like that. I couldn’t believe I left my nunchucks by the cooler. I’ll never make that mistake again


if my memory is right there is a satirical website with that name


Hehe, so cool.
I got a pair of them trimmers from my US Secret Santa also!
I’ve only used em once so far, but hope to utilize them in the near future. It appears that there is a steep luring curve, lol. And them bitches are sharp! :laughing::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Ok, we have a winner. There was a tie, both @luxton and @Crawfish guessed 402 so I used the random number generator and @Crawfish came out on top. You too were already signed up for a pack of these? Anyway, send me your info @Crawfish.


Great win @Crawfish , great game @DougDawson - Thank you and have a great holiday :smiley: :smiley: