BOG SourGrape -MonkeyMan BubbleGum -RomulanGen IrishPunch -ReikoX JLo -JohnnyPotSeed PurpleRhino

Opened the cab door to this.


Current tally:
1 ReikoX JLo female
1 BOG sour grape female
2 MonkeyMan bubble gum Females
1 Romulan genetics Irish Punch Female
1 JohnnyPotSeed Purple Rhino
That being said, they are over crowded, low humidity and getting angry. To avoid any further problems all other plants will be put outside in the next 48 hours. I have been reducing the light on time by 30 minutes every 48 hours for the last 14 days and have reached…

Have a great weekend.

An epic battle is about to take place, the hunt begins for @Pigeonman Highlander.

Prepare yeself MacLeod!