Books on plant breeding, selection, genetics

Please suggest your favourite books (no papers please) on these topics, if we get some submissions I will order them neatly for reference, I will start:

The Cannabis Breeders Bible by Greg Green

  • Very good starting point for learning without any experience, doesn’t go into massive depth, easy to read. Gives an overview of breeding as a “job”. As obvious from the title, its specifically about weed.

Selection Methods in Plant Breeding by Izak Bos, Peter Caligari

  • Quite math heavy, no illustrations, but readable and modern.

Marijuana Botany by Robert Connell Clarke

Cannabis Evolution and Ethnobotany by Robert Connell Clarke

Principles of Cultivar Development by Walter R. Fehr

  • Math heavy, quite old no illustrations and basic examples

Big Book Of Buds vol. 1~4 by Ed Rosenthal

  • Nice picture book of oldschool genetics and some minimal information about them. Mainly a fun book, but still useful nuggets of info!

Off topic but interesting books:
Hashish! Updated 2nd Edition by Robert Connell Clarke

  • All kinds of info about old school hash

I’m personally particularly looking for a book similar to Selection Methods in Plant Breeding, but on a bit more entry level, preferably with illustrations as that is how I learn effectively, if you know one, please give me a shout!


Whichever books you like may be found for free on this site. You can join with a fake name and download 10 books per day.

I download 10 sci-fi books every night.


Marijuana Botany is kinda the book that changed the game IMO, by Robert Connell Clarke, he also has a newer one called Cannabis Evolution and Ethnobotany.


I love it so much. It’s an absolute must have for all basics. Biggest plus point, it’s scientific unlike many others.


Thanks all for the suggestions, I have added them and a few others to the list.

eS :tropical_drink:

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another one is “James Loud” James Loud Genetics - recently published this years – it’s all about breeding - many, many good reviews also Hashish by Clark is a very good publication the best book on hash. If you can find this - “The Cannabible Collection” by Jason Clark has all the past strains, history of and lots,lots, more, quality publication


That’s Jason King man.


There’s also this one

Only one I don’t have is that Principles of Cultivar Development :thinking: Oh and vol 2-4 of the Big Book of Buds.

Can find those and more here


Nice post dude.:+1:


It could use a bit of organization but there’s a couple hundred gigs of books/catalog’s/guides/etc in there :yum: Everything I’ve been able to find over the last 10ish years or so.


@HolyAngel you my friend are one incredible human being. Thank you for all of the literature. So incredibly kind of you.


There’s a similar thread over here: Breeding references WIP


thanks !!! don’t know why I put down “clark” Dam !! had the books (set of 3) right in front of me

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