Breeders Secrets and Tips!

I would say no, with a caveat; good luck actually figuring out what the strongest are. :stuck_out_tongue: Realistically, I think your best bet is to just keep everything that isn’t completely terrible rather than trying and failing to pick out the best genetics from a single phenotypic expression of the dominant genes. Especially without any experience, though I’m dubious about how valuable experience is in this case. Further complicating it is the fact that the best genetics for combining with one line might not be the best for combining with another line… aka SCA and GCA. Until you actually know all of this for this particular strain, you’re basically gonna be throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks; might as well throw as much as you can in hopes that a few more things will stick.


I stick with one male for the only reason that it’s easier.

There is a benefit to keeping more, if you’re so inclined.