Cannabis Classroom - A Place of Discovery

Welcome to OG High, I wanted to contribute with a thread where OGrs can post informative videos and information on everything cannabis. From the history of the plant, to current landrace and pheno hunts, how-to’s and how not-to’s. Tricks of the trade, and most importantly, passing on knowledge to those that seek it.

I’m going to kick it off with a Vice video, one of a series called Weediquette, Kings of Cannabis. Watch the amazing beginnings of Green House Seeds, 42 time Cannabis Cup winners, and as they travel to Columbia’s weed fields to find three original strains.
Puts together the processes used by seed companies to bring you new and old strains, a great behind the scenes look, and a cool video to kick off the first class.

If you have any ideas, videos you’ve seen or made, information that you think we just have to know, post it here, be the teacher of your own class. Or stop by and discover new things.

Have an OG Day!!!


This is one of my favorite growers I started watching a couple years ago. He doesn’t grow trees, not super sophisticated, but seems to really have his shit together!!!
Gotta love it if your an outdoor grower.


If Weed Growing was, Jorge Cervantes would certainly be a Professor there. A lot of knowledge, changed my ways more than once. Here’s a playlist.


Hard outta likes, but you can be sure I like this thread a lot! I can’t speak for more experienced growers, but for noobs like me, this is awesome!

Thank you, @PioneerValleyOG, for starting this excellent thread! d8JBdDJ


Thanks man, I’m gonna try and not get too crazy, but I will try to add a new and informative post each day.


Mostly with stolen genetics. And now they pollute all the landrace areas with their own seeds…

Other than that, LOVE this thread! :grin:


Preach it! If you’ve got evidence of shenanigans, post it. This is a knowledge based information thread, all opinions are welcome, and if there’s something that needs to be illuminated, well shine the light.


They are the worst of the worst . Plan to destroy and pollute and chase money .

At least when Franco was alive they had someone with a clue , now…….

Stole everything they had that was decent

Couldnt pay me to run GH


Today’s lesson, Murder Mountain, a TV series/Netflix show that, yes, while about a few murders, centers around the rise and fall of the Emerald Triangle. Wanna see how the real Masters do it? Watch and learn. What to do, and what definitely, not to do.


If you haven’t watched this series on Netflix it’s awesome. If you have any like it there is more episodes on YouTube. He’s a scientist, chemists, and loves doing mind altering substances. Then tries to make in lab. He was able to make molecular exact synthetic dmt so no more hurting frogs. It’s exactly the same active compound found in the toads venom.


Ok, today I’m going to talk and give you info on super cropping. There’s tons of info on it ad videos on YouTube as well, however, I decided to introduce you to with this link.

Super cropping, LST, and other methods include altering the natural growth of a plant, with results that can be phenomenal.
I could ramble, but I’d rather you learn from the experts.
So here’s the link…
Add this to your growing knowledge. Keep watching this thread, you’ll be happy you did!


Today’s just a simple trick for outdoor growers. Here’s a link to a thread I made not long ago. Just click on the link here,
Rainwater Delivery System

Be sure to check out the whole link n comments. This can beat dragging a hose or buckets around, and if it’s dry you can always fill the bucket up. Feel free to add any suggestions of you own, such as run offs or bigger catch-alls to help fill the bucket?


Keep going,loving this “class”
@PioneerValleyOG thank you :heart:


Are we speaking of cane toads here? That’s wild… I used to be into the psychedelics when I was younger. Oh boy was I. My mind has mellowed a bit, and I’m content with cannabis. Especially today’s weed, and edibles. Many can bring you either right to the edge of, or even on, a psychedelic adventure.
Thans for the input here, I’m sure I’ll enjoy checking out these videos!!!


Today’s lesson is a basic one. I’m putting in this link to a simple instructional tutorial for beginners.
Lots if good intel here, take advantage of it!
Friday is going to be Advanced Growing 101. But this Wednesday is a great dip your toes in the water course.

Remember, all intel is good intel. There are many not as knowledgeable as you, and many more knowledgeable.
In OG High, we teach all levels.
See you tomorrow!!!


I think cane toad is just poisonous. It was the Sonoran Desert toad that they express it’s glands onto glass let dry and scrap. Amazing medicine and natives who knew about it were careful and respectful to the animals catch and release. Once the word got out that their venom is dmt people became assholes and have devistated their populations. So he made it in a lab and it’s 100% the same. Check out Hamilton’s pharmacopeia it’s Netflix I think. Also has more episodes on YouTube. Like Swaziland gold weed. They sell it buy volume not weight.


Today’s lesson is for more advanced techniques, specifically
Cannabis Sex Reversal Using Silver Thiosulphate (STS)

While this is a straight forward tutorial, I highly suggest visiting @LoveDaAutos thread, Found Here.
@LoveDaAutos goes much further into detail and has some great tips on reversing. The link provided is only the beginning of a structured instructional tutorial, you’ll need to follow the thread as he provides further intel into the steps.

Here is basic instructions on how to reverse, and although you can probably learn the process here, @LoveDaAutos thread will teach you the finer nuances of reversal.

Hope this helps you, and you enjoy today’s lesson.
Put this thread on watch so you never miss a lesson!!


Today’s cannabis lesson is about ayurvedic health and balance. These are 2 key features in using cannabis healthily.

Cannabis is ayurvedically seen as a sub-toxic herb. Sub-toxic does not mean it isn’t toxic in itself, it means it supports toxicity in the body. Therefore, when cannabis is used holistically, it should only be used after a detoxifying program, and only in very small increments and never for extended periods.

In this form it helps reaching a meditative state.

Smoking cannabis is a very drying and mobile, airy action, just as dabbing is. This means we need to keep hydrated even more when we smoke, and that smoking will bring into the body more airy and mobile qualities, which can be good or bad depending on the state your body is in.

Using cannabis in food is a much better holistic approach. Adding oils and providing sufficient hydration will still be important to help better integrate it all healthily.

In both food and smoke, it influences temporal cues, meaning the body needs time to readjust to the natural timescales of life. It also influences the feeling of safety. The body, but not always the mind, recognizes cannabis intoxication as an unsafe state. Should we strive to keep high, then our bodies will try to readjust and find safety again by considering the high state a falsely safe state. This is part of the cause of addiction to cannabis, as the body then starts to rely on cannabis to feel (falsely) safe. Kept up for long enough, this can and will lead to degenerative disease.

Cannabis increases Vata (catabolic, using energy), supports Pitta (metabolic, generation of energy) and decreases Kapha (anabolic, storing energy). From this we can conclude that excessive cannabis use leads to your energy feeling used up, feeling heated in mind and/or body, and having trouble to keep muscles, tendons, and nervous system in a healthy state. Already skinny people will present with trouble keeping weight steady through the increase in energy metabolism and decrease in storage of energy.

Cannabis increases appetite and digestion, and can be used holistically to remedy a weak appetite and digestion.

In cannabis addiction, the body will strive to maintain homeostasis, and through this action it can happen that over time appetite actually decreases and digestion becomes impaired.

Cannabis in massaging oils can be used to relieve pain and to help blood flow increase to the area. Don’t apply to acute inflammation as this can increase redness.

Cannabis leaf paste can be used as a poultice over worm infested wounds and on atopic dermatitis.

Through it’s healthy action, it reduces anxiety by decreasing depression and increasing enthuse, temporarily lifting the heavy qualities of life. Through addiction, it will eventually increase anxiety by draining kapha’s energy of safety. This can then lead to various physical complaints, including but not limited to heart palpitations, jitteriness, the internal storing of toxicities, and eventually exhaustion, weakness and depression.

This theory can in essence be used to explain all paradoxical uses and effects of cannabis, and other herbs and foods as well with their specific kapha-pitta-vata actions and also to find out if you are using too much cannabis, or are using it too often. It can also be used to find remedies for addiction and easy methods to decrease that addiction

CBD, preferably as a full spectrum extract, can help in decreasing addiction to cannabis, but should still ideally not be used without end. It should serve as a way to reintegrate balance into the body, so the body can then heal itself from within that balance.

If you are already in a state of degeneration it would be wise to use these same principles to reverse that condition.

Cannabis is described in the Atharva Veda (the veda of rituals of traditional healing and magic) as “as one the five most sacred plants on Earth" It goes on to say that a guardian angel resides in its leaves. It also refers to it as a “source of happiness,” a “joy-giver” and a “liberator”.


Awesome, awesome, awesome, job @Wizzlez !!! Thanks for this amazing contribution!!!


Today’s class will be How to Make Your Own Vape Juice!!!

Without further ado…