Breeding with LED?

I’ve noticed that strains I’ve run under either HPS or CMH are very different in smell and taste when they are run under the LED/CMH or just LED. I do see a difference in resin content, bud size and structure as well, but the scent and taste is most confounding.

I switched to LED within the last year. More specifically I began my trials and tribulations with LED.
Currently I have both LED and CMH blending in a 4x4 and seem to be holding my own regarding nutrient sensitivity.
I wanted to ask if other growers have had similar experiences in noticing such a dramatic change based on light spectrum?

I wonder if beans being bred under HPS or CMH may present differently or drastically differently based on light spectrum environment.
Would I have better success in my expected outcomes if I sought out breeders/genetics that had been “created” with LED?

Are there any good threads that have this as part of the discussion?
Any breeders that are known to do what they do under LED?


i wouldn’t expect the type of light seeds are produced under to have a considerable affect on the future plants, thats all genetics

maybe @LED_Seedz


Yup!!! Dramatic change in nutrient requirements for sure!
I always tautgh the same , that LED bred genetics would be the way to go to avoid loosing time in finding the right one that can tolerate high intensity lights without loosing or changin too much the terpen profile and potency…


I just one run ago switched from pure cmh, to cmh with led qb’s, spiderfarmer and dimgogo, was hoping to reduce heat, noticed it took flower tent weeks longer on every strain in the tent and basically i had 2 phenos of each strain and one extra clone, consisted of hso bd, th mob,th mkultra, also th stuff had random nanners fem seed. But never ran it before

I saw no other variable from the previous run then the lights


Interesting about the increase in flowering time. I’ve heard anecdotally and experienced a small decrease in flowering time with straight CMH.
Perhaps the LED takes away any benefit in that regard, but provides for more of a complete spectrum…?
I still have my LED/CMH set up; expanded in a 4x8.
I also went back to 12/12 vs 11.5/12.5 so I am observing any flowering differences since that change up.
Also, I’ve not noticed any increase in random bananas.
Perhaps that may have been the case with an abrupt switch in light spectrum…?

It could have just been that every pheno in the tent ran longer but there were 8 plants in there , and all 8 were late

I’ll be interested to hear other’s experience with switching from CMH to LED. I just moved my grow from a room out in my garage to tents in my house. I’ve been vegging under a LED and flowering under CMH. I decided to switch the flower tent to LED to reduce heat. I have some Guerilla Fume’ I started flowering under CMH and the LED will be here in the next day or so. I’ll report any changes I notice with the switch.


I’m doing the opposite of most of you, I just added a cmh to my led panels. I’ve heard so much good about cmh and I honestly need the heat in my space. I’m curious to see how my current flower finishes with the added cmh.

I did not notice any added time using LED, if anything my showing of sex and flower time decreased since I added the far red initiator for the last 20 mins of lights on every day.

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I went from running 1000 watt HPS to the CMH a couple of years ago and I was surprised how well the CMH did. And heat reduction going from HPS to CMH was a big plus for me. Especially in the summer. I didn’t have to run my A/C running the CMH. Just pumped fresh air through the room.