Converting to leds?

Alright… so im putting things together and now im faced with what kind of lighting im gonna go with… and i just need some fresh input on leds and flowering… i know they work for veg but are they as good as a hps for flower? i know all the cost benefits of leds im not worried about that i like it and i am weighing that in but is there a major performance difference? and are leds capable of producing potential extract material

edit. and im planning to use fluence leds … at work we have to set them at 10 percent at first for fresh trasnplants… when there at 100 its hot under them. there strong aaaaassss f. i can get a deal on them from work the fluence that has like 6 to 8 bars on it, i think i have a pic of one


I use strictly led. (Solstrips and my results have been better than hps hands down. The fact you can dim and play with CCT is a big factor. Additional royal blue led in your room will increase trichome production. I’ve followed fluence studies for a while now too. I don’t think you will go far wrong with their products brother


Same here, I noticed an increase in resin with LED, you can really see it on the trim leaves. The spectrum is better, as long as the intensity matches HPS the results will be better. HPS only has 5% blue, most LED’s are 10-15%, keeps 'em shorter and more resin, I think probably more terpenes too.


thank you so much for your input i am educated on the differences between the two to an extent, and i guess my real question is what punch line would you use to convince someone who has use hps successfully to make the switch and you already answer that, i just want fresh confirmation this jump is going to be good and not bad


I agree with the terpene production being increased. Or at least more remains throughout without hid’s burning them off (I’ll let you know on the resin production once I start to smoke the la diva x lowryder)

I did a hps run followed by a un1090 extract. Both yield and potency had increased under led.

One thing I have noticed is. If you run high power LED close to your plants you most certainly need to assist with calmag on the way. Demolishes the stuff. I’d never go back to hps now bro


so say someone looking to make live resin… see this is why i asked i needed confirmation on things already know that on paper make sense. but like i want to see it, i guess i gotta do it same cut same environment same fresh freeze same press


yes that is the clincher…try to find someone who has used LED and gone back to HPS…no one does


but im trying to do multiple 3x3s between the family i have here and the amount of family we have visit… an average weekend does some damage to the garden


you’re talking yield? just make sure you have enough light and the yield will be there - you want 600-1000 umol per square meter for flowering cannabis. 9 square feet is .84 meter. So the cheaper Spyder is 810 umol, that would be 964 umol/m2, you should get huge yield.

The Vyper is 750 umol so that would be good for 3x3 too.


im gonna skip all my questions and ask them later what would be the best led lighting for a 3x3 maxed out


@Jellypowered @Albannach @Gaz29 @robin @reikoX @Pedro_Bann @madscientist all use led.

@99PerCent bought a ray44 a while back too. Even I wanna know how he got on there lol


I’m naturally gonna suggest solstrips so you can play with spectrum and output to suit


k thank you dawg i only made this thread to get all your guys input… but i think you guys understand why im sketched to make the jump

but i know deep down its gonna be alright haha


im gonna be running two honda 2000eus paralleled not because im illegal because powers a problem where i am


Just figuring it out, but it appears far superior to my old T5 / HPS solution while consuming less electricity.


I won’t reccomend anything but quality LED these days.


I switched from a single 1000w HPS to 4 HLG-300’s with a number of Samsung LM561C strips for side-lighting.

I can’t imagine ever going back to changing bulbs, cleaning glass, and dealing with the heat from the HPS. In fact I ran this entire summer w/o the A/C on in the room, just venting via fan for temp control. This winter I’ll actually need to ADD heat, good thing there’s a baseboard heating unit w/ it’s own thermostat in there. :slight_smile:


1200+ watts I’d love to see a picture of those HLG! :wink: