Starting plants indoors to get earlier harvest

If a person starts seeds indoors then transplants outside in early spring would you get an earlier harvest or because of the photogenics of the plant would it still wait to flower with a longer night period?

You would be ok putting out 3 inch seedlings. If you put out 12 inch plants they will show sex in 14 days then bloom for a few more days. Then reveg for 30 days. Then start growing agin until the bloom cycle.

They will not grow much while they are reveging. Best to just start them in plastic cups. Take them out side and cut the bottom off the cup placed in prepared plant site.

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Do you mean spring harvest till days are still short or do you mean getting earlier autumn harvest (say In September instead October)?

I’ve read about the former so I think it is possible. The latter is not possible imho (you just get more time to build more robust and structured plant but it will start flowering based on genetics roughly at the same time).

Spring harvest is something I’d really love to test but I don’t have greenhouse (its too cold here to put it outside). It is also better to have additional light as days are really dark in Feb-March…

I was wondering about getting an early fall or even late summer harvest by planting outside early in the spring .

What people do nowadays to get early fall harvest (during Aug/Sep) is that they construct greenhouse frame and use black foil to cover it for first 2 weeks or so manually. Some others do move it indoors into darkness (it good to prepare pots on wheels for it :blue_car: )… It takes some discipline (you need to be available in the evening to cover it and in the morning to uncover to give them roughly 12 hours of daylight) but it is worth it in cold north areas.

The only drawback of covering to induce flowering is when it is rainy, there can be problems with mold, because plants cannot dry out when covered.

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Covering does not seem like a good idea for the lower mainland of BC lol. I guess I will just have to surrender to genetics and take a later harvest. Thanks so much for your insights.

I was forced to do this: had an remote indoor grow going that got way too smelly,panicked and put them outside in early January.Because I had just switched over to the 11/13 flowering cycle two weeks prior, I was afraid they would revert back to veg.However, I live in the deep south so I have not had to worry about a freez and the temps and humidity have been perfect. They did not revert and have grown into monsters! The strains are Grape Kush and Blue Dream Haze.If I wouldn’t be worried (I am a newbee on this site) I could post some pic’s you wouldn’t believe.

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