Brix Mix Recipe

now i’m seriously straying from LED but on that note…I looked up the “BRIX mix” listed in one Jorge’s books…got a reply from groworganic .com with a few recipes (and a close replacement) since they no longer make it. nice folks. it’s got MALT:

The PVFS product that has the closest formula to Brix Mix is are our Biolink Fertilizers. Organic Farming & Garden Supplies | Peaceful Valley - Grow Organic

The following are the proportions of ingredients we used in our Brix Mix Recipe

Feel free to change the blend to suit your needs and the availability of the ingredients. You do not have to use every ingredient for the mix to be beneficial. For example: if you don’t have Phytamin 4-3-4, you could sub a liquid fish or a dry fish powder, like HFPC hydrolyzed fish. If you prefer, you can use a liquid kelp extract in place of maxicrop. If you don’t have a trace mineral deficiency, you can do without the MB powdered chelates. Keep in mind that kelps, such as maxicrop, do provide some trace minerals. If you don’t have access to a liquid sulfur, just leave it out of the blend.

Original Recipe:

Liquid Brix Mix

16.5% Molasses
16.5% non GMO pure Malt
25% Phytamin 4-3-4
24% Humax
16.5% liquid sulfur
1.5% Therm-X 70

Dry Brix Mix

13% Maxicrop
19% Fertall MB Powdered Chelates
31% Powdered sugar
37% Diamond K soluble Sulfate of Potash

Make it yourself:

Liquid Mix

20% Molasses
20% non GMO pure Malt
30.5% Phytamin 4-3-4 ( F1888)
28% Humax ( PSA800 gal or PSA802)
1.5% Therm-X 70 (PSA000 qt or PSA005 gal)

If you don’t have either molasses or malt, you can double the amount of one or the other.

Dry Brix Mix

13% maxicrop ( F1350, F1360, F1365, F1366)
15% Nutra Min Sierra Mt Minerals ( F531)
30% powdered sugar
42% Diamond K soluble Sulfate of Potash (contains sulfur) ( F2300)
