Bubble hash help

Ok, so maybe I’m stupid, but I just got my bubble bags, tossed some trim, ice and water in, mixed yadda yards yadda. Put my extracted material onto the 25 micron mat included and let it dry there. Now a bunch is stuck to it.

What do I do now and what did I do wrong?

What i got off is full melt and amazing! I know practice makes perfect and have read through a bunch of bubble hash making threads, but messed up this part. Thanks!!


if its a silicone type mat you can scrape off or bend the mat to break it up, most of it comes off mine easily, a little seems wasted. I wash my mat and bags after in rubbing alcohol


Its a 25 micron mat that came with the set of bags, so an equal mesh to my finestbag

I have accidentally smooshed hash into my screen and I got it out with alcohol.

It wasn’t enough to bother saving. I just wrote it off.

All the best.


mine came with my" Bubble Bag" set and is 25 mic as well,

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Ok, I was thinking about just washing it with a little 190 everclear (I prefer over iso).

So how should I use that screen? And what should I dry it on. The included directions said to place my material on the mat, on a paper towel to dry it.

i put mine on a pc of cardboard or paper towels to help it dry then let it dry some then just scrape it off, but i learned on my own…so I bet theres better ways.

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Don’t press on the screen. I use paper towels to gently wick moisture away. If you press it will jam in the holes.

And I agree 100% cardboard.

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I use cheesecloth to dry on myself. Cardboard would probably work just as well. Alchohol will help clear that 25 micron…

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Freeze it, it should pop off as you move the mat around.


This is what id recommend as well.


The truth right here. It is so much easier to work with when it’s cold. Room temperature it becomes tacky and will stick to anything. I dry mine on squares of plain brown thick cardboard for 24 hours, then press.


Bubble has it’s use and is all of a sudden becoming popular again but it’s hard to beat fresh clean dry seive. I keep a pile of keif around and sprinkle that on everything.
A good light press from dry seive that has had a week to cure is truly amazing stuff.


I never build up enough kief. I end up scraping out my grinder twice a week. I just love it… now I can turn my sugar leaves into smokable product :smiling_imp:. I’m going to be mad whenever I’m out of trim!

What brand bags do y’all recommend?

@Heritagefarms what do you use for the light press you mention with dry seive?

If it’s a small amount put it in a turkey bag and test it tight , apply Luke wram eater from the tape and sqeaze gently till it starts to stick together then stop. You want to get it just to the point it sticks together in a ball but not much more

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It looks like you’ve had a couple of good suggestions for how to get your hash off the screen, so I just wanted to throw in my 2 cents for how to dry it.

I place my bubble hash on the screens, though my kit came with more than the 25 μm, and firmly press out the excess moisture by placing the screen between 2 folded towels and firmly pressing back and forth with a rolling pin. Once I get all the moisture out that I can that way, I place the hash pancakes on parchment paper, then place that on top of cardboard. I then place that on top of my T5 light to finish drying. Should be finished in about a day, depending on how thick your pancakes are.


Thanks, I think thats what I had somehow missed. I thought you pressed it and left it on that handy dandy mat with something absorbent on the other side from the hash. It worked! But bonded a bunch to the mat. Well live and learn :man_shrugging:

Now a big bag of super sugary trim is in my freezer. Tomorrow attempt 2.


The working screen is just a quick stop off for your product… Freezing will get most of it , spot cleaning with ISO isn’t unheard of (frency comes to mind) however the working screens are cheap and easy to replace if ever you wear them out ( seems to be the wear point in my system). I even go as far as squishing excess water out of my hash with the 25 micron working screen with a cold rosin press, cuts drying time by at at least half if not longer. You can see the mesh pattern in the pucks of hash…


That is beautiful hash btw. I hope to make some as wonderfully blonde as that!