Bubbler issue - old cuttings

Have you tried adding a sterilizing agent to the water? Either bleach or peroxide?

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Nope - I’ll put it on the list and try.

Starting with pH, next I’ll try some clonex then I’ll try with something to sterilize.

Lol well if you figure it out, I’m all ears. I can’t get my cloner to produce roots for the life of me. Just using tap water and HTH super pool shock. Weeks go by… eventually everything yellows out and I give up. But I can never get cloning to happen fast. Even in my humidity dome, 3-4 weeks is not uncommon for me.


I think the Clonex is where I would start. It has been the one constant for me whether I have used my bucket bubbler or my humidity dome. Both have been very successful for me.


I’ll load mine up this weekend and give it another try. I think one issue I had the last time was that I used some home depot rooting powder. It’s the same hormone, but for some reason it seems like it bleached out the bottom of the stems… so maybe it was too harsh for cannabis or something.


Could have been. I use rock wool in one inch cups with the Clonex liquid. I only had one out of 10 not make it last time. It was not the best cut, just an extra one.

I read that Azos is good to put in the water, never tried it.

@PGT710 told me he soaked his in Kelp and water solution after taking his before he put them into the bubbler…

If it’s helpful this is my bubble cloner:

The main difference to other ones I’ve seen is that I use hydroton. Not sure why, but it works.

I let my tap water sit overnight to stabilize and then pH to 6.0-6.2. Straight water. No nutes, no rooting hormone, no nothing.

It gets problems when I don’t change the water for a week and the pH rises. That looks like what has happened here.

New pHed water every 5 days or so.

I also have a plastic bag with holes in it I use for a humidity dome. Roots in 10-14 days ish

All the best.

Edit: temperature is also important. I prefer room temp on the warm side.


Possibly, the dosage for woody stems is like 10x concentration of soft stem plants like Cannabis.

For me cloning seems to have a lot to do with temperature. Cooler seems to take longer.

Sometimes I have unrooted snips literally just sit there in perlite for 3.5 weeks happily doing nothing.

Sometimes they root and visibly start growing in 1.5 weeks.

I just rooted some japanese maple cuttings. Took 8 weeks haha.


If I’m not mistaken a product called great white in the cloner is like magic to get fish bone roots in days

That’s a good point, I hadn’t thought about that. You’re probably right about that.

I mostly do my cloning with clonex, rapid rooters, a humidity dome, t5 and a heat mat. Usually 3 weeks minimum is the first I see roots… it’s always been super annoying to me. That’s why I built a cloner, but have had very low success with it. At least in the humidity dome, I can usually get roots, it just takes a lot of patience and attention.

I’ve always heard that you can scar a plant and get roots directly on a live plant. Has anyone ever tried this? I was thinking about scraping off a patch of a stem, applying rooting hormone and then wrapping with a rooting cube and plastic to keep it from drying out.

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Try feeding you mom a 1/3/3 npk mix a few days before taking clones
I fine it helps


Do wet perlite…maybe a pinch of verm in there…100% success rate with straight tap water…


here is one for air layering tree branches.

8 weeks for trees but probably quicker for cannabis?



Awesome! I should have known there was already had a product. :joy:

Air layering is the terminology I was looking for. Thanks @Gpaw, I’ve been curious for a bit, so I’ll give it a try.

EDIT: https://irrecenvhort.ifas.ufl.edu/plant-prop-glossary/08-layering/01-layering-air.html


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Another trick is if you have a low branch, put a rock or brick on it so it is solidly in contact with the ground (trench it in a little).

Something about the high point (between the stem and the low point) blocking a hormone and thus enabling root growth at the low point.
I haven’t tried it yet, seemed more like an out-doors thing. :blush:



Some people call them rooting boxes
I read it 2 weeks and a great way to keep plant count down

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This was a game changer for me and the plants will actually grow a little while rooting

@Gpaw @Papalag I’ll give it a try and post my results. I’ve always thought it’s potentially a great method for established mothers. It still has the main roots of the plant to keep the clone healthy and fed. So that’s a pretty great advantage. Seems like a very low maintenance way to take clones that will be immediately healthy and ready to grow.


I got a oxy cloner and the instructions told you to not use RO, they want spring water. I have used tap and spring but prefer the spring only because our tap water has arsenic and lead at higher levels

These are nicer then the ones I’ve seen

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