Cloning gel/paste/rooting hormone what is your favorite and why

i know different methods of rooting roses…etc.and other plants . but with as many different rooting powders… paste…etc out there… how does one decide?.. what is the best rooting hormone or paste. and why do you like it?


aloe is my favorite have had awesome success with it cut a leaf open it up rub the gel on the bottom of the cutting cheep easy organic and effective :+1:


I dont use any. Plain tap water in a bubble cloner. :100: success rate. It may be faster getting roots if you use something but Im never in hurry. :smiley:


I have used cloning gels, powders, aloe and plain water, they all work so long as the temp and humidity is correct, and the cutting comes from a strong healthy plant.


I use the powder. Just because it was cheap and was at Walmart. I mix it in a bottle cap with some water to make a paste. I feel it sticks to the stem better than dry. Cut the stem at a leaf node dip in the paste.
Then into a double solo cup with happy frog. Then put a baggie over the top to keep moisture in. I usually have 90-100% success this way.


Remember to recut stem after dippin so as not to hinder uptake and keep turgor good in cutting : ) and prep mums with bloom feed for a week befor takin cuts to boost p and k and lower n in cuttings : )


I am thinking seriously about building a bubble cloner, tho. Seems like they root much faster.


You get to see roots form and don’t have to wait till they protrude from cubes etc that’s all , it’s a visual thing : ) prepin mums is where it’s at : )
P for roots
K for plant health
and low n to push cuttin to fire out roots quicker


I have all the parts (I think?) for an autocloner. I think the plans I looked at shoot mist about every 15 minutes?
I just have to put it together.
I’ve honestly been so busy with seeds and breeding that I haven’t had a chance to even look at it yet.
Thinking December in Maine is a good time to look at that project :wink:



Clonex gel or the powder from Home Depot

All the other ones suck ime

For outdoor if neither are available weeping willows sun tea works well

Also with clonex or other IBA hormone containing products
Less is more
Don’t glob the shit on or your hindering root formation not helping


They arnt expensive to make at all you can get a cheap pump for $7 on amazon. If you already have a hole saw and sacrificial plastic bucket that also makes it considerably cheaper less than $15? This video is a pretty good guide on how simple they can be, you can even use pool noodles and cut them for inserts.


I’ve already tested several options today I use aloe vera because of the dollar exchange and the difficulty in finding someone to send it to my country but the best in my opinion is ROOTECH CLONING GEL the reason is this:
" This formulation is among the strongest cloning gels on the market, with a concentration of 0.55% (5.5 g/l) IBA. It’s so thick it can be applied to cuttings during watering sessions."

I never lost 1 cut when I used it and in less than 10 days there were already several roots using a 70/30 perlite/vermiculite substrate.

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I searched for a cloning gel specific thread but didn’t have any luck and apologize if I missed it somehow. So the question is, as long as a cloning gel brand contains the main component of “IBA”, are they all equally as good? As a broke “sumbitch” I’m trying to justify the $50+ price for a small container of Clonex gel over a $15 similarly sized unknown brand.


My small jar of FOOP, seems to be good. lasts a while now.
I also made some nice cloning gel from aloe vera, if you got one.


Pretty much, they are all very similar… they contain the same active ingredients. 50 bucks??? I wouldn’t buy such a large container, you won’t need much… I have a 1 oz bottle of dip n grow that I have been using for a good 2+ years and its still more than half full; and I take a literal shitload of clones. I dilute it… it just takes a few drops in 30ml of water and I can take a whole tray 78 clones and still have some leftover solution… and I start seeing roots at 6 days.


I’ve had a small container of Rootboost for a few years, just dip, shake off, and plant in medium. Cost less than $10.

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Hormex #3. Ive tried em all and its the best ive used. And its a lot cheaper then clonex.


Hormex #8 is what I use but trust me It’s pricy but there is none better imo, it’s cut 3-4 days off of my normal root time, healthier, more root sites and much less work, simply cut, scrape, dip, tap and pop in to medium. Stuff is gold! Wilson roots gel was what I used before for 10+ years. This changed everything up for me. Imho rapid rooters and hormex are the ultimate clone combo. I’ve heard Athena roots is great too but unavailable in Canada atm. The thing to look for is the percentage of hormone listed. Some barely have any while others have huge numbers. Hope this helps


Have not tried #3 yet but now I’m intrigued

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Heard Clonex thrown around a lot, heard Dip 'n Grow referred to as “Black Magic”. Haven’t used any of it myself. Tried the super cheap methods (honey, aspirin, aloe) with variable success. And by variable, I mean little to no. :sweat_smile: