Buds dry outdoors?

Hey guys, wanted to find out if anyone has any experience or tips on how to best dry outdoors.

I am considering whether I will build an insulated bucket with low heat and ventilation works.

I’m from Germany, it’s mostly cold and humid … At least at the end of the year… :dizzy_face:

Hopefully someone here has some tips.


If you have to dry outside hang in a barn or attic. Just remember attics have vents

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If cold and humid youll probably mold… If it has to be outside then i would suggest hanging under an overhang with a heater fan blowing towards them just make sure its not too high or youll damage your buds… Did you grow outside? When i was a kid in bamberg it felt like the tundra 9 months of the year just… Cold :joy:. If you can indoor drying would be best humidity should be low with temps around 45-65. Good luck brotha


Hmn drying inside is unfortunately not an alternative, unfortunately it has to be done outside somehow. :dizzy_face::sob:


What resources do you have outdoors? Sheds, cars , barn, willow tree in the back 40?


I saw how they dried their crops in Sagada, Philippines… They basically just piled it up, and let it sit. NASTY black schwaggg… But you have to dig deeper in the pile, to get the GOOD stuff…

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hmn have a small appliance shed.


I’ll build something like that for me in the direction for outside. Stop with cold insulation and a fan with battery.


That was probably black mold, sounds like the perfect way to get mouldy bud piling it all in a heap in a humid country.


I have a rack similar to that, mine is all mesh though. I put a fan on low speed pointed straight up on the very bottom level. I’m in michigan and dry in my shed around 40-50°f, takes about 10-11 days to be ready to jar. Move the branches every 2 days so air cycles fairly evenly


Can you put heat to it?

Hmm, think about car batteries or fire :dizzy_face:

I’ve thought about drying outside in an old barn. Scares me to think of mold and humidity possibly arising. But if you had a field of the stuff, do whatever it takes.

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My best tip is to time your harvest to when the weather is favourable.

I’ve hung a few plants on my balcony and that mostly keeps the water off but a big storm would get them soaked in a bad way.

I just zip tie them to the chairs, keep the rain and direct sun off of it.

Not as good as my indoor, but good enough.


Good question. Sure in 2020 was breack my brain when think about that. If you have not space for do it You can tryied my idea. Car battary + car airpump + selicagel air filter to intake air without any water and bud buckets . Sure it will work in rainy day. Only One question about large of your harvest, also you can put pump underground for silence. No problem if you have auto. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: