Building My New Soil

I have all the weights vs volume somewhere, but I constantly misplace them… effin stoner lol. I usually weigh a cup or litre and then base weight vs volume calculations when I’m mixing/amending. So if I buy 2lbs, I’ll weigh out a 1/2 cup and see how many cu ft that weight will get me. (7.48 gal per cu ft).

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I say this all the time for new organic people. Three half filled 5 gallon buckets is 1 cubic foot of soil. I use around 2-3 cups of amendments per cubic foot. For me amendments are defined as anything with an N-P-K on it. I do not count biochar or rock dust as amendments.
1-1-1 for Peat-aeration-compost. I usually use 1/2 a five gallon of each.


Alright, everything is baking now. I added some vermiculite instead of more pearlite. I happened to get “ultra fine” which I didn’t know was a thing you could just accidentally buy. The product was only labeled “vermiculite” and gave no grade! I’m use to a mix of coarse to mildly coarse. Anyways- should be alright yeah?

After mixing 9 gallons up here, I’m liking it. Much better drainage, not nearly as compacted as my previous. Should be really good growing! Thanks all, and thanks @nube as always for talking sense into me.


So I asked this soil engineer about putting some vermiculite (not sure what grade I have either) into a soil horizon build and he said not to cause it floats, but I had also heard that you could saturate it or something and I already had some.

So, I put a bunch in a tupperware with some water and maybe 50/50 floated and sank… I separated out the floating parts and will personally be using the sunk stuff as part of my experimental builds. I didn’t know this but apparently it is considered a clay.

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Considered a clay… interesting. I was thinking the soil felt silty. Was considering adding greensand to address that, and boost the potassium content.

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Yeah I want to look into that stuff as well