C_in_CT's basement hydro

Could be, I’m more of a reader than a poster…


I tend to be a lurker on forums, but I’m trying to be an active participant here. I always worry that I’m posting too much or my posts are too wordy, but that’s my own shit and I try to just take that as an indication that it’s time to load my vape again.


Your Thread - Your Rules… It’s your world, I’m just a visitor… Vape On…


I wouldn’t call either of those “sad”, nicely done man!! :metal:

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I was getting the other plant dealt with, got everything ready to put back in, examining the drain pipe the gasket goes on aaaaand it has some cracks.

So now the plant that I was sure wouldn’t have to spend as long getting dried out is going to sit and dry out for an hour and a half while the new one prints. :melting_face:

It’ll still overall be shorter than the initial one’s ordeal, so I think it’ll bounce back faster, especially since it’ll be going into the “conducive to recovery” environment and not the “oh shit oh shit I should not have put it back with everything like that” situation that the other one got put into.


Plant 1 all situated and back in the tent with plant 2

At long last:

silicone gaskets installed in both bus tubs :white_check_mark:
roots trimmed and pots doubled and put onto trivets :white_check_mark:
water topped off and pH’d and HOCL’d :white_check_mark:
clone water changed out fully :white_check_mark:

Now to let Plant 1 recover, and then either defoliate and then flip, or the reverse, still contemplating order of operations on that.

These are the roots I pulled out from Plant 1, which is probably about 75-80% of what I pulled from plant 2.


(the brown is hydroton silt, not any rot or anything)


sorry, not following the whole thread. but why do you cut the roots before flowering?

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It was to deal with a leak and then getting into the drain. If they clog the drain he would have a mess from overflow.

@C_in_CT correct me if I’m wrong, but it not normal practice for them just a one off event.


@Gadarien is basically correct!

My goal originally was to keep the roots in the little weed cloth pots. They escaped and were throughout the container.

I was already pulling out the hydroton to change a gasket on my drain (the leak mentioned) when I noticed the problem.

After some consideration I decided that risking the plants dying from ripping the roots was preferable to risking the bell siphon getting blocked by roots during flowering.

Normal practice should hopefully be that the roots stay contained from the beginning if my modifications work.


Today’s update: I clipped a bunch of leaves off both, because Plant 1 was looking pretty ok today. Didn’t go too crazy, just a bunch of the big leaves that were blocking light and pressed up against other stuff. I’ll give them a minute with that and then probably put more clips in tomorrow.
Fewer Leaves Front View

Fewer Leaves Top View

Also reprinted my water sensor float, because the last one got water in it again. Modified it a bit this time to hopefully prevent that, but if it happens again, I’ll coat the next one with something to seal it.
Sensors in holder 1

Sensors in holder 2

Floating sensors


How’s that drain design working for you so far? I currently have my shop vac running in my office, I had a major overflow because roots had filled up my return lines… apparently this is a problem I’m tackling sooner than later :man_facepalming:

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My drain itself is good, are you talking about the bell siphon design or the guard around it? Or the trivet thing? Happy to provide more info about any of them :sweat_smile:

(Edited to tag @luxton because I’m not sure if it replied correctly)

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Yes :smiley: haha.

I’ve gotta figure something out, this can’t happen again while I’m growing on a carpeted floor

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Fair! My bell siphon has been working flawlessly since I got it dialed in.

The guard around it hopefully won’t actually be relevant to my situation, because hopefully the trivet will keep the roots in the pot. I’d been thinking that I would pull the hydroton back to see how it’s doing in the next couple of days (also to make sure that covering it isn’t keeping it too wet and thus enticing the roots out the sides now that I raised it off the bottom).

I don’t know how fast roots normally grow, so I’m not sure how long to give it before checking.

But I would say that raising your pots is a good starting point.

I am also paranoid about leaks so I calculated how much water the inner tent liner could theoretically hold and I don’t fill my reservoir over that level, just in case. This is helped by the fact that shelf legs and a tub that could theoretically float are the only things on the floor of my tent.

That sucks about the leak though :face_with_diagonal_mouth: I hope you’re able to work something out.


I’m really curious about the roots following the water path down your trivets, that’s the big question in my head right now too. I have 3 plants that could have cause this, and 2 of them are autos, so I’m not really wanting to do a bit root trim on them, or cause them too much stress. I think I’m going to have to hand water these until they finish and pull apart my auto zone and redesign in… weeee, lol.


Meant to update in here: My friend who gave me the seeds said she thinks they came out of a pack of “two to mango”. In researching that, I came across this:

Two-to-Mgo is an in house Theraplant bred strain resulting in bright green and orange buds packed with a sweet mango driven scent.

That info is from theraplant itself. That’s it! And zero knowledge of what the male might have been. So it’s still a mystery what I’ll actually get at the end of this. Hopefully at least one (1) cannabis.


Here’s to one cannabis!