Calling All Apartment Growers

Don’t give away all my secrets!


:rofl: lmao…

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I didn’t tell them you’re Charlie Sheen bare ass in the moonlight maneuver! Or at least WHAT it does and WHEN in the growth cycle to do it.


The full moon is a powerful force in nature.


Same situation as you (condo grower). I use tap and 5 gallon buckets. It works well enough that I don’t have to hear complaints from the wife, but is not the best for the back.

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i have a aquarium when i use a 5 gallons bucket to get the fish water to water my plants twice a week. about 3 gallons per watering.

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This and two of those fill my 2 gal watering jug. One 2 gal watering jug is the perfect amount to water my 7 gal pots with no runoff.


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Way back years ago I used a Captain Crunch flash light inside the box to veg and used grow pots i made out of yogurt containers and water fed with a thimble.



I have 2 of them hanging on cloths hooks for my little dolls vegging…

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