Calling All Apartment Growers

Hello All,

I live in a 3 bedroom condo and getting water to feed 12 plants 5 gallon bags inside buckets is a task when your 60 with a bad back. I decided to purchase a few 2.5 gallon water containers with spouts.

I would like to ask You all what do you use to water/feed your indoor plants and what type water storage do you have as well.

Thanks for your replies and Advice



I use the faucet and a gallon milk jug. :slight_smile:

(not 12 ladies though, only 4)

additional thought set up a central tank at height and an auto watering system of sorts. automate as much as possible, limit the work to just once and then let gravity do the work for ya.


Tap water and a couple 1 gallon jugs.
A 2 Gallon watering jug when I need extra capacity and a 1.5 L water jug for the daily/2 daily watering. I’m filling from the tub tap.



Tap and a gallon jug, gonna eventually setup some kind of drip or sip system just not in a big rush to.


#Gpaw I’m filling from the tub tap.

I was already thinking of that or hire some out of work …

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I never did a scerog grow so i hope this yields me at least a pound 12 plants, if not the screens are going…

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50 Gal rubbermaid tub
couple bulk heads
couple valves (on/off)
some hosing

quick n dirty



Reliance Desert Patrol six gallon jugs:


5 gallon bucket from a big box store, mines orange :wink:


I had a 50 gal drum in/near my grow space and would fill it with a hose plugged into a faucet, once full, I unplugged the hose and walked back to the drum with it. I would mix nutes directly in the drum and using a small pump, a watering wand and the same hose I’d water everything in minutes.

Now there are flexitanks

They make em in various sizes, from 13 gals to 5000gals and they come in a relatively small box. Way less sketchy than bringing drums in an apartment lol.
Also the collapsible tank have a valve at the bottom so you can do without the pump and use gravity.
One more thing, please don’t use the super stiff rubber hoses, lighter cheapo ones follow you without flippin a table :wink:


I fill from the tub with gallon jugs. Been doing it this way for years.

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Ive been using a 5 gal food grade bucket (spackle-type bucket) with lid. I cut a square out of the lid and patched it with screen to allow off gassing of chlorine. I was interested in moving up to something with a tap. I like those 2.5’s.


I use 3 gallon jugs just like these from Walmart to mix and pH then I put in Arizona tea gallon jugs with holes drilled in the tops for good even watering.


I just use standard 5 gallon waters jugs that you put on water coolers. Works well for me.

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not really an apartment setup but I use these. One to hold veg nutes and one to hold flowering nutes. I have a little pump i use to get the water out.


1 gal distilled water bottles. I use the water and then make up my mix in it an greasepen the contents on the side. I use a baster with small plants or graduaded cylinder for greater volumes.

For “water” i reuse a 5 gal water jug and a ceramic gravity water cooler on stand :hugs:


I’m thinking of putting a rubber industrial barrel in the corner
of the room and fill it as needed but for now these do the job, I just dropped 4 plants into the tent on 12/12 now I have 2 ore this week…

I use water straight from the tap into 1 gallon jugs.

I used to let my water sit in a 5 gallon bucket but I don’t do that anymore.


@Foreigner also fertilizes by consuming raw nutrients and breaking it down into base NKP and urinates them directly into the plant as a gas or through touch as he softly caresses their leaves.

His sheer stare result in root pruning and when he talks to them in a deep Barry White voice they immediately flip into flower and bypass the transition week.