Calmg def, overwatering or lockout?

I upped the ppm from 550 to 690 @ 5.89 PH…that’s just where it landed last night on mixing it up. I keep raising it up. Maybe tonight 800?

What media do you use?

I’m on well water, I run 5.8-6.0 for ph when I mix a batch. According to the chart I’m feeding about 3 EC and I run 2 ml of cal mag on top as well as 2 ml of silica.

What is the ph and ppm of the well water coming out before adding anything…as in straight out of the well with no filtering etc? Just curious if others have such acidic water with low ppm.

EC 3 …dam that’s 1500ppm on the 500 scale. What stage are they in?

I’m not sure on ph but ppm is around 100 or so. It’s all filtered after the pressure tank. No salt or anything like that.

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Shitty pic but here’s some little plants getting fed 3 EC and being neglected.

Most of my grow issues were either pH related or because I wasn’t feeding enough. Not getting enough runoff every feed can cause buildup and cause pH issues too. Better to get plenty of runoff to help “reset” the media every time.


I can see that getting feed 1000ppm plus. But from what I remember and read recently young plants as in seedlings through the first few weeks are not suppose to go over 400-600 ish. I need to find a good feed and light chart that can be trusted. I have a tendency to over do things.

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Are you certain that it it is truly dolomite lime and not limestone (garden lime)? Dolomite lime contains both calcium and magnesium. It is the common name of calcium magnesium carbonate, to be specific. Now, garden lime, not Dolomite, is just calcium carbonate.

If house water is city or municipal stop. Get some dehumidifiers and run them outside if u need to with a hose to a reservoir. or ro filters.

Anything out of a tap where I’m at just murders our ladies. Other plants don’t mind it, just these ones.

I know your adding those Epsom salts to the water your using, riiiight? :slight_smile:


It looks like I might be trending in the right direction. I did up the dosage of feed and increased the drainage. I believe I’m about 850-900ppm at current. I’ve been giving them some nice sun during the day then leds at night. One thing I noticed is I have a little cupping, it’s more pronounced out in the sun. Isn’t cupping generally a reaction to heat and or too much light? Anyways, I’m about to put these into larger containers and put them outside to do their stuff. All but one are autos, I didn’t realize you’re suppose to start right in the pot you plan to flower in for autos from what I’m hearing.

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