Browning / red spots

Seconds grow. The browning / red plant is a mephisto auto in a 2g pot full of cocoloco. I don’t feed during veg as the loco has some nutes but I started feeding early flower regime on mega crop soon as I saw this. Ph is 6.0 same I ran on my last run in same substrate.

The fresh photoperiod plants vegging on ground have started to get some white spots


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In Coco, my guess would be calmag deficiency. 1ml calmag per 1L of water does the trick for me

Just had a look at megacrop, seems you don’t need supplemental calmag with it as it’s already included, beats me 🤷

Temp / rh issue ?

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Temps and rh good

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You got issues with them all, in different stages?
Flower plant deficient or lockout of potassium
Veg or early plants mag Deficient or lockout
Calibrated your ph meter?

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The leaf vains are green and leaf itself is yellow. That’s either nitrogen or iron. It looks like your growing in coco??? Add calmag as iron gets locked out if magnesium isn’t available. Epsom salts is 100% magnesium


Do I just add epsom ontop of coco or to my res

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Add a half teaspoon to 5l when you water

I’m in a 55g res so need like 200tbs

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If your rez is that big then your running a lot of plants. How many are showing this issue?? If its only one just cull it and be done.

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I believe @Esrgood4u has the the right answer here but if your rez is that big you can also apply the epsom salts as a foliage spray. 2 tablespoons per gallon for a foliage spray. Spray at lights out.


Like 10. Just hate watering by hand. 2 show it

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You can add it to the rez but it takes longer to show that its working. Obviously money is involved with how big the grow is so a slight walk with a pressurised spray will save you a good few bucks.
Hey you asked for advice. It’s up to you if you wanna accept the advice and give the plants a spray. Even if I’m wrong about them the mag will only help increase the final yield.
It’s up to you now.

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I just soak entire plant?

I’ll mix the epsom salt spray and try that… my epsom salt is all eucalyptus scented that ok?

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No, you gotta use the pure stuff. Pure magnesium sulphate.

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That would do it but 36lbs is way too much. Any drug store will have small packages of unscented epsom salt.

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I’ll stop somewhere tomorrow night to late now. You said .5tsp per gal? I got and xtra gallon pump sprayer that was going to be used for yard but I’ll use it!

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No needs to be just plain old Epsom. Nothing added.

2 tablespoons per gallon for a spray. Spray the whole plants at lights out.

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