Yellowing in between veins coco first timer

Hey guys, just started my first run of coco not too long ago and ran into some issues recently. Not sure if it’s a deficiency or lockout but getting yellowing between the veins and slow growth but otherwise healthy.

Feeding at 1.7EC at 6.2 pH, was previously feeding at 2.0EC 5.8 pH when this started happening. Tested run off and it was at 5.0 pH so I thought I had a salt build up so I flushed and started feeding again at 1.6EC, which is what the bag recommends. That didn’t really help at all so I thought maybe it could’ve been a mag deficiency so I added .5g/gal mag sulfate. It’s been two days so far and nothing’s changed.

Thought coco was supposed to be easy ;(


What are you feeding them? 6.2 is the very top end for coco, I would drop that down to 6. Are you using a meter and have you checked it’s calibration?

Lifta…no seriously…:wink:

To clarify, it’s the coco not your grow. Give the plant time to work it out…the coco is “dirty”…


No man, those leaves do want some help. First coco run can kick a persons posterior just like their first soil run. Just got to work out some kinks.


I was advised by the local hydro store owner to feed at 6.2 to try and balance out the low run off. And he also stated I may have been watering too much. I do have some slight algae growth, is that a sign of overwatering?

My meter is calibrated yes. I’ve been on it with keeping it hydrated and calibrated since I broke my last one.

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Lifta in what way? Lower the nutrients? Feed less? Can’t let it dry out since it’s coco.

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It can be. Coco is inert so I would beware the hydro guy’s advice. If you flushed out the coco there is no reason to feed them such a high PH to balance. What nutes are you feeding them?

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Was planning on running jacks but the hydro store screwed up my order so they ended up giving me free nutes. GH florapro. No additional calmag just silica.

Ok, I use GH trio but don’t know the GH Florapro. You using tap water?

Yeah my water is filtered but sits at .2ec

I would add a kelp supplement to regular feeding. They look fine, I wouldn’t sweat it. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:

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I’m trying to get them in perfect health before flipping.


Kelp supplement and kelp foliar feed. Maybe a lil fish poop.

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I am looking at the feed chart, it says 1lb per gallon of 3 products. Is that right?


Thanks for the tips but I’m really trying to learn how to just feed npk and micros properly cause that’s all you actually need.


Recommended for veg is 2.5g/gal micro and 3.2g/gal veg for 1.6ec

Something I figured out…
Back your light intensity off a bit (20%) until you get the issue under control, that will help minimise the damage.
Do you know what the ambient RH is? (The leaves are ‘cupping’ somewhat)



Don’t change anything. Coco and other dry type media absorbe pollutants from the environment. Depending on the abilities of your plant, the “dead leaf portion” is the plants defense mechanism against toxic substances in it’s environment…just like certain types of plants in nature…necrotic leaves are a natural self defense mechanism.

Don’t add the necrotic leaves back into your media … :smiley:


It’s already at its lowest setting. The plants were fine prior and by now they should’ve grown into the light. I can try to raise it a tad bit more but there’s already a considerable distance

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Vpd’s in check at the moment.