Can I use canna ashes to replace PH UP ? (ORGANIC GROW)

Me being a cheap ass is thinking “i should just go start a fire and use wood ash!”

Is wood ash reasonable to use as a ph up when mixing nutes or do people use it as an amendment in soil?

Options : wood ash, organic ph up from a company like nectar of the gods, bud ash.

Ill smoke a bowl and decide later.

Thanks for all the input everyone!

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Ive used synthetic ph up before. Im just gonna use that again. I mean in all reality my tap water isnt 100% organic. They add all types of shiznit in there.
It worked in the past so here goes me ordering a bottle of gh ph up. Ill tell the plants its organic at least lol


Cool thread. I’ve been saving some wood ash mostly from burning my cannabis waste, and was thinking it would not be good to use because my pH is always 7, and I thought we were supposed to aim lower, like between 5.5 & 6.5. Someone suggested recently that for living soil 7 is good, but I haven’t taken the time to go reading yet.

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Im not sure if wood ash is an amendment for soil or a ph up for water. I ordered gh ph up. Its potassium hydroxide and potassium carbonate, thats all i ever used up until my last run.

I would totally burn a fire and harvest the ash in a jar and add a tiny scoops to adjust water ph… IF it works like that. Idk if its gonna change the water ph and then stabilize, idk if its going to break down in the soil if used every feed to adjust and cause soil ph to rise. I can list a bunch more questions lol.
Once i get enough bud saved up to experiment i definitely will travel down this rabbit hole :hole:

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Just don’t be me and find yourself burning a gorgeous foot long cola because I effed up the fans and it got mold. That ash is probably too salty from my tears to be safely used in the garden :joy:


Lmao i feel you bro! I woulda cried over a foot long cola too
I got 2 tower fans and one box fan hung from the cieling. Im hoping i dont run into mold either, last run i had a moldy cola and thats always a bummer

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Here’s something to consider as well that can open another rabbit hole for you too look down. When growing in high a quality organic medium, like a living soil, many people including myself don’t feel the need to PH. I do PH however if I’m using an inert medium with RO water. It totally Depends on the quality of your water and soil though. If water is high in mineral content, like high ppm it’s better to PH as something with high calcium content can take you to higher ph levels over time, if it’s very low ppm the water will acclimatize to the PH of the soil as good soil will have natural buffers and keep everything in range. When trying to grow organically ideally you shouldn’t have to do anything. That’s sort of the reason to go that way so if you need to PH and organic grow something is out of whack from my experience. Fox the soil by amending it so it has the buffers that are needed to not PH every input. Dolomite lime is one way. Hope this helps a little

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What soil are you using if I may ask? Home made super soil, living soil, store bought? If store bought what brand? If homemade what are your amendments?


My 2 cents… I grow a lot of vegetables too, organically in compost using the no till / no dig method and I’m basically also using a lot of woodash in this practice. I don’t see any problems with it, in matter of fact, I love it. Clean wood ash consists mostly out of Carbon, Calcium, and a little (<10%) Potassium. I believe it’s a great alternative for increasing the alkalinity of your media, as long as you make sure that it’s clean ash: 100% natural wood only, no treated wood, no plastics, etc.
Give it a try…


Oops…I see that you were asking about canna ashes, not wood ash :grimacing: My bad. There’s probably a little more trace elements in burned plant material like canna ash compared to wood ash from clean dried wood. But I don’t think up to the point it where would be harmful. Worth a try at least I say.


Im using royal gold kings mix bagged organic soil.
Feeding bio bizz nutes, my tap water is 7.2 and when i add biobizz nutes it drops to 5 ish ph.
So im wanting to raise raise it to 6.4 ph.

I have an amended royal gold kings mix living soil i created last summer. Only problem is when after i added amendments to that pile it went alkaline and i added a shit ton of peat to bring the soil ph test to 6.5ph. Now it becomes hydrophobic as fuck and can only be bottom watered, but the plant that is in it loves it.

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So i don’t necessarily want to raise the alkalinity of my media just the water after i mix nutes up. Looking for an organic alternative ph up

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Got ya…same applies though.

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Thanks for the info bro. If my soil doesn’t contain a good enough buffer (not sure if it does) do you think the ash will raise soil ph overtime like the baking soda could?

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I honestly couldn’t tell you for sure… As ash does consist for a big part out of calcium carbonate, it definitely does increase soil alkalinity in larger quantities, like a liming agent. I don’t think it will cause many problems if you only use it to pH up your water a bit… Try it and we know :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the heads up bro!
Will do when im in position to experiment. For now i need to get enough bud to make it til next harvest then ill be on top of the head stash and can start playing and really get to enjoy the hobby.