Plant Issue Driving Me Crazy

Hey guys, It’s been a while. How’s it growing.
I know I said I would be back when my state became legal. I’m goings to make an exception because of this problem that’s been driving me nuts. Maybe some new eyes on the situation might help.
A little on the background of this particular plant.
It was started in Coco/FFOF mix. FFOF is just too hot. I then transplanted into 1/3 coco and 2/3 FFOF in the pot It’s in now.
I’m getting what I thought at first was nute burn but I’m convinced that’s not the issue due to the size of the plant. Hopscotch was a healthy eater. I thought it would grow out of it but it is slowly making its way up the branches. I didn’t intend to lollipop this much but the leaves look like they are burning up.

Any thoughts?
My temps range from 75-85f and my RH stays between 50-70%


Could that be wind burn?

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Did you rinse the coco? What’s the feed, ec & pH? Water quality? Lotta variables, lol!

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This is the only fan I’m running and it’s all the way on the other side of my 4x4.

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No feed. Just the FFOF. I was wondering if I should try a light feed. I use tap that sits for a few days. The run off was a little low so I’ve added a tbl spoon of Dolomite Lime last time I watered. Haven’t checked it yet. I will tomorrow. I could have rinsed the initial coco better. The Coco that was mixed in with the FFOF was rinsed very well.

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Its nutrent burn. Flush till you get run off and check the run off ppm/ec.


I’ll check the run off tomorrow for it’s EC/PPM.
Thanks for the suggestion sir.

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I think I found the problem.
Pretending bottle juice is better for a plant than the creative intelligence of living soil which created it.
And us!


If it is indeed high like I suspect keep flushing and checking until its an acceptable level then LITFA for a few days :+1:

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Im also having a hard time believing a plant that size, that isn’t being fed, is burning from 2/3 ffof and 1/3 coco. How long since the transplant into the new medium?


I’m still aiming that the soil is a lower PH. I will still check the runoff and analyze the PH/EC levels.

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Soil will buffer the pH. I can guarantee its not a pH issue

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2 weeks ago. It wasn’t even in a half gallon pot before transferring.
I’m also worried all this run off is going to flush out the microbes.


Even is the soil is 5.0?

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This is why I moved away from soil in the end. Too much guessing and anxiety. If I see any issues in coco (rarely) it’s almost always because I let them dry out too much.


If it comes pre buffered at 5 it will keep buffering it down :thinking:
Why would you use a soil that’s 5.0 pH for cannabis??
I reckon @ReikoX can advise how to get it to a pH level cannabis thrives in

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Fox Farm Ocean Forest has been notoriously acidic as of late. Ive read in other forums about the same issue.

I will be going back to hydro. This soil sh!t is slow and more stressful.

It looks similar to a potassium deficiency… burnt leaf edges.


Maybe I’ll hit em with K or banana peels.

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Soil is not the problem, it’s the shit you pour into it. :smile:
Leave it alone and only add fresh organic stuff and it sorts itself out.
(coco is not soil)