Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

Gotta be good stuff considering it’s near 20c right now.


Oh shit it’s worse than I thought!



I want to be clear: I have not fully read the article in question. I had to stop at the opening sentence, “Most people who indulge in weed, from occasional tokers to certified stoners, know that getting too high can be both hilarious and absolutely terrifying.”

I absolutely know it can be, to put it mildly, hilarious, but terrifying? I guess I ain’t “most people,” because in all of my years of smoking weed (that would be from the summer of 1965 until today (where is my bong?!), I’ve never even been mildly scared, much less terrified!

While I’m definitely not suggesting that strong reactions are not possible, it does make me wonder about what percentage of folks have that happen to them.

I wonder, has anyone here ever experienced anything like that as a reaction to weed?

Full disclosure, the most I’ve ever eaten at one time was 250mg. I was seriously fucked up, but hardly petrified of anything close.

I think the most fucked up I ever was from smoking weed, okay okay, hash, was once when I was living in N. Vancouver, BC, in 1968. A dealer buddy got several pounds this dark ass north African hash, and decided it would be a good idea to see just how much hash the four of us could smoke in a day in our own little hash-a-thon. No kidding. This was in the morning, maybe 10 or so and we remained together the entire day, keeping up with each other hit for hit, and any of us could call for the next bowl to be filled. I believe we exercised that option pretty fully. By 5 that afternoon, we were groveling around on the dirt floor of a garage attached to what was basically an abandoned house, locally known as the hippie house. None of us was able to reach for the pipe as it lay there on the same dirt floor from which we couldn’t get up from.

I think that was the most fucked up I ever was on weed, and I still wanted more, the body just wasn’t doing what it was told! Bad body! Bad! ROFLMAO

That was a lot of typing. Where’s that bong!!


They talk about a positive test getting your license suspended. My brother worked with a guy who had his license revoked days after getting a medical card. No test just getting the card.

Truckers can be on a ton of other prescription drugs and it doesn’t seem to be a problem ?

On weed getting stronger, I just think good weed is more accessible than ever before. Definitely was strong weed before.
Dispensary buyers won’t even look at products unless they are 20+. It’s just how they are doing business.


This is interesting


PROOF: If you have the most free laws regarding cannabis, cannaibis businesses will thrive.


The regulatory industry is the problem/corruption of just about everything today. As industries rise and fall they just move on to the next like the parasites they are. Your loss is always a win for them. Odd that the United States Constitution was written to protect us from these exact people ;-)~


the constitution was written by these people…

Are you trying to equivocate the People and lawyers that wrote the US Constitution 250 years ago during the Enlightenment era to the past 100 years of the academics, politicians and political lawyers that have brought us the Progressive era? That started with Constitutional Alcohol Prohibition that progressed into “laws” like the CSA/Drug War/government bureaucracies and having to deal with these historical levels of imprisonment as a direct result (aka Regulatory Capture/corruption)?

Hard times create strong people, strong people create good times, good times create weak people and weak people create hard times.


I once had an edible, and about an hour later, my dog casually coughed while I was playing video games, and I quit the match to go lay with her because I thought she was about to die…

After I realized she was fine, and I was just high, I went to sit back down. After maybe 20 minutes, I got this warm feeling in my stomach, at which point I thought I was bleeding internally, and I was about to die…

This experience had no lasting effect, as I did not die, and Ive smoked/eaten quite a bit of thc since, but I deffinently felt the terror.

To be totally honest, I kind of like the terror and paranoia. Its like being a kid and going into a dark basement, the fear of the unknown, the suspicion something ominous is wating for you, and just when youre about to turn and run up the steps quicker than whatever you fear can get to you, the high decides to make you walk down into the darkness and check every corner of the basement. Good shit.


On rare occasion I’ve gotten “too high” (sadly I am usually too tolerant for such things), and I’ve just gone to bed and slept it off.

Years ago an old friend advised me, before my first trip, that if I ever got freaked out that I should find a quiet place to sit and remember that I took a drug, and it’s temporary and will end. I don’t think I’ve ever had it to make full use of that, but it’s good to have in your back pocket.

But I’ve definitely heard stories where people clearly had major panic attacks while super high. Needless to say it didn’t sound fun (though it also sounded dumb, and they were total newbs and did dumb things like go to the hospital).


Interesting but missing the information as to what part of cannabis is the extract?

I was diagnosed with colon cancer, a melanoma on my transverse colon 3 months ago. During the colonoscopy, the discussion with the doc went like this.

Doc, OK you have 3 polyps here and a tumor can you see them.

Me, what size is the tumor?

Doc, 25 millimeters round roughly, they will want to remove that, I am going to remove the polyps now.

Me, are you taking a sample to find out if it’s cancer.

Doc, Yes and I am going to mark it by injecting ink around it as you can see now.

Me, that’s my first tattoo and it’s not that good lol.

Me, what if it’s not cancer will it still need to be removed?

Doc, yes they don’t like tumors of any kind in the colon.

At this point he could have injected anything he wanted into the tumor to kill it. Water and baking soda will kill a tumor when injected into the tumor, which has been shown in studies on cancer cells in vitro. He could have injected it with a fenbendazole or Artemisinin solution which would have killed it, he could inject it with this cannabis extract in the future.

My bet is he won’t be doing any of these, as the hospital will lose a shit load of money not performing a surgery to remove half my colon and unnecessarily my appendix.

So I told them as it’s only a small tumor found early, relatively speaking, it takes 10 to 15 years for a colon cancer to get to this size, that I will not have the operation, and get rid of it as naturally as possible.

The surgeon was not happy, he said I can remove that with an 85% success rate it will not come back. Those are good odds, why would you not take the operation.

So I pointed out all the other problems that the operation would make in my body due to my high inflammation, also causing low kidney function, due to high blood glucose from insulin resistance caused by years of high carb diet.

My body having an extremely exaggerated immune response to anything that will be left in my body holding my colon together. As well as the unnessacary removal of my appendix which he insisted would need to come out to make his job easier, which has now been shown to be a safe storage place to renew gut bacteria from after antibiotics, which will be needed from the heavy antibiotics use, for the infection he was to create opening me up and my immune system constantly attacking the surgical staples left in my colon. Also removal of the appendix shows you lose 2 important bacteria involved in insulin sensitivity so that would make my borderline diabetes worse.

He said, you have no option the cancer could spread. I said, I definitely do have other options and I will give him a call in 6 months if my treatmentis not having any effect and I need his operation.


Hi @Shadey

Sorry to learn of this unfortunate development
Best of luck in your battle, fight the good fight, with your attitude and spirit, you shall prevail.