Hawaii growers - operation green merchant

Aloha growhana :call_me_hand:

Anyone know what the status of green merchant is in Hawaii/each of the islands?

There’s youtube videos as recent as 2018 showing it never stopped under Obama. :unamused: :helicopter:

I’m outdoor in Puna & have seen mostly volcano tour helicopters & very little other small aircraft, one drone. :thinking: Only been here a year though. I hear it was like viet nam with huey’s descending & buzzing all the time in the 80s & 90s but Hawaii County voted to stop the flights(???)…???

The news seems to indicate the greedy people in the statehouse are trying to pass a recreational use law, no doubt looking for taxes & big dispensary payoffs, political gains… not so much alleviating suffering or doing the people’s wishes.



The last paragraph sums California’s prop 64 up pretty darn good.


I thought green harvest operation stopped already. But yeah back in the day that operation was pretty bad.


Welcome to Overgrow @PakiBoi


Mahalo. This site offers a wealth of knowledge in an organized way!


Welcome to OG @PakaBoi!


Cannabisradio dot com has an interview with a grower named Aaron Zeeman of Big Island Genetics. In it he claims Puna became the DEA training ground for raids. :unamused:



Maybe you should invest in a SOLID greenhouse … :roll_eyes::helicopter:

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Yeah, the end of the 70’s and the 80’s it was aggressive from what I remember. I thought that stopped a while ago, as well. I suppose they could still be looking for super large crops. That’s always black market. So, hopefully they aren’t trying to eradicate the plants like yesterday, and concentrating on organized crime grows. That’s how it seems in Colorado. You read about large busts but never a homegrower. I’ve had a good many questionable aircraft cruise over, and I’m always a few plants over my limit (:roll_eyes: :joy_cat:), but nobody has been here to see me thank goodness.


Care Waialua has some info on what exactly is trying to be passed, along with the Hawai’i Cannabis Hui. A lot of my uncles and older cousins have done time because of Green Harvest!! There hasn’t been word of them starting the sweeps back up but the medical dispensary owners (really only 1) has been pushing the state to crack down on the “black market marijuana” which are the home growers and caretakers because they’ve seen a huge dip in patronage. So they’ve been lobbying for tighter standards on the 329 cards, limiting amount of patients per grow, making it easier for the police and state to no knock visit card holders to check the amount of plants and “take samples”. I had a whole photo roll saved of the actual bill so I’ll try to find it.


I’m like 80% sure it’ll only really apply to O’ahu


I can’t find the current proposal but I do have the previous one that was denied December of 2021 and then revised and is currently up for consideration.


So, is home growing legal in Hawaii yet? i thought they legalized it there. Some places let it be sold but no growing. Thank God I live in a state that leaves us alone at home. I made sure I never got my medical card because I was afraid I’d be on a list of people to check on now and then.


Home growing is legal only with a medical card but it doesn’t stop anyone from growing at home :joy: I have a 329 card rn so I’m on that list of people, I just hadn’t even considered growing my own until this last year so it seemed like the smart thing for me as just a smoker.


Yeah, you’re right, and it’s good to know what goes into your flower. It’s your choice. Here, any one person is allowed 6 plants. If you have a medical card, you get double; 12. I forget the rules for any other seedlings and stuff. I better remind myself. :thinking:

I would have gone the med card route if only I had an extra couple of hundred bucks to pay for it all, lol. I’m sort of glad I never did. My town and county are pretty cool. The cops around here sort of know everybody, at least by site. Our town has a lot of dispensaries, so they don’t hassle anyone about it. It’s been a small fortune in taxes for our town and a lot of infrastructure upgrades. It’s a nice place to be for myself.


I hope when we finally reach that point that Hawai’i can just be openly recreational without damaging local communities! There’s just too much corporate greed around these parts trying to pimp paradise. It’s not like things are crazy, there’s tons of home growers and weed floating around both local grown and flown in.


I hear a lot of shit from other states. AFAIK there aren’t a whole lot of complaints here complaining, other than it got too crowded and has created a glut. I believe they started here with a real mom and pop attitude which has been really nice. We have a few franchise corporate dispos. It’s not the norm in our town. Growers were the same way. Small operations to begin with. Most stayed semi small. You can find really good product here, just have to know where.


Never been to Colorado but have definitely heard good things about it, so I believe all that.


North of me in the northern part of the state, Denver north, it may be totally different because it’s a much different environment. Probably 99% of weed grown up there is indoor, maybe. It’s super crowded in the that part of the state. here, not so much.


Sometimes it’s better to be closer to the wide open than the closed in