Good luck! You might have some deep rooting weeds around that would work well. Chayote has a lot of amino acids and the leaves roots and fruit can be used. The older the vine the deeper the roots, the better.
I just went to the farmer’s market real quick and grabbed the spinach plus the sugar @ $1.75 total. And I was gonna pay like $100 in nutrients and such… Unbelievable!
Will probably buy boost for flowering but we’ll see.
It has been a few years since i made a ferment but the recipe i used added just enough water to allow the vegetable matter to move around easily. I would quiz Lotus about it since he is actually doing it right now. Just keep it warm and wait.
I just added 500mL of water to the mix, just enough to cover it. I think it’s better with the water, but from today on, will be gathering rain water. Yeah!
Yeah water is for makin booze not the knf ferments we make. Knf is sugar and material. The only exception is making OHN where you need beer 9r vinegar or whatever to soak the dry ingredients. Jadam farming uses water JADAM
Well, next time i will do it with only the material and sugar… This batch is going to the plants in the garden and to some lemon trees i got, just testing… Thanks man!
It’s your fault @ryasco!! LOL HAHAHAHAHA Just kidding!
Yes it is… It was because of you that i changed everything in my plans, viparspectras for COB’s, coco for soil compost, canna nutrients for FPJ, now that you mention it, yes, it is you fault… @lotus710!