Fermented plant Juice Question

Has anyone here used FPJ full Strength undiluted or minimally diluted?

I get with Synthetic ferts you have to dilute or it will burn the plants, I understand the Science there. But I can find little to no actual Science or studies on FPJ. No spectometer break downs, no analysis on the what all is in it nutrient or how much of what is typically in it. KNF seems to use it at homopathic levels, and there is plenty of science out there that totally has debunked homopathic remedies.

So I decided to run a bit of an expirement last night, after I harvested 1.75 gallons of FPJ. I mixed 3/4 gallon of FPJ with Some Humic Acid, Some home made cal-mag, and Some home made Superthrive, topped up to 1 gallon with water, and hit 2 plants with it. Now, IF what all the KNF gurus say is true, and this stuff is soooo super potent that you are suppose to use it at 1 to 500 or 1 to 1000 ratio, I should see some Burning on the plant within a day or 2. So far, after setting overnight, I seen no real changes to the plants.

I will say, that at the ratio I used 3/4 FPJ to 1/4 Water, it takes forever to soak into the soil because its so thick.


Ive used FPJs for many years now. Im not sure what sources youre hearing about the 1/500 ratios? That is usually more for JADAM inputs.

I normally use ferments about 5-15 ml per gallon. Ive for sure done a lot at 25-30 ml/gal in flower a bunch too. Never seen it burn, but I also wouldnt necessarily recommend it undiluded. Although the research is barely coming out, there are some really cool new scientific studies where they are using purely ferments to grow greens in full hydroponic systems. Many times just using native weeds as the ferment base. So its being proven it can work. But to really know on a scientific level, youd have to test the NPK of the ferment. I personally believe the real end game of that is specific blends of plants to achieve ideal NPK for different things. That being said, there are already folks dialing in tailored ferment programs for cannabis. Heres some cool links on it!


Only problem I see with using FPJ full strength would be the pH. Properly made FPJ should have a pH around 3.5.


Part of the issue here is some nutrients are simply in solution and won’t be read as usable npk. Introducing bacteria and microbes that facilitate reactions in your media is the goal with stuff like this. I use more JADAM methods of creating the juice but I have definitely burnt my plants from my kitchen scraps bucket. It depends entirely on what you put into it and because there aren’t that many ferment brands, it’s hard to define a standard because the ingredients can vary wildly but the product is still called the same thing(usually).


Well the bucket i harvested yesterday was 100% Butterfly Stonecrop. Used the flowers,leaves, and stems. They are almost a succulant, they hold LOTS of water.

I did add 1/4 gallon of my tap water which comes out around 7.7pH, so that should raise the pH at least somewhat.

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Its even in the second link you shared brother.

“FPJ is the fermented extract of plants sap and chlorophyll.
It utilizes indigenous micro-organisms to carry out the
invigoration process. The usual dilution rates at which it’s
used, vary from 1:800 to 1000 in water.”

Sorry, I said 1 to 500, this says the low end of 1 to 800. I have saw 1 to 500 elsewhere, and the strongest you should go. Which is why I had to try it 3/4 gallon FPJ to 1/4 gallon water, I am Gen X after all, I gotta FAFO lol

Normally I have been using 40ml in 1 gallon of water, because I did a small bucket first that only yeilded about 1quart and 1 pint of FPJ. I saw somewhere that suggested 10ml per liter, and there is nearly 4 liters in a gallon so 40ml, I rounded up lol.

But that is another issue with this that I have, the doseages are all over the board, I have saw anywhere from 10ml per liter to dilute 1 to 1000, so its really hard to know how much to actually use.

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Right on, I would still love to see a full break down including bacteria counts, NPK ratio, plant hormone levels, etc etc etc, I would love to see someone run FPJ through a Mass spectrometer just to see a baseline of what all is in it and the amounts. ok,I may or may not be a HUGE science geek… lol

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Well, One day later on the 3/4 strength FPJ, and No Ill effects to the plants. Still growing great. I am sure there is much more microbes in the soil now, but I would wager a bet that the acutal NPK of the FPJ is extremely low. I am sure there are other benefical compounds, but I dont think it will work as a replacement fertlizer.

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Don’t think of FPJ as a npk plant fertilizer. Its for the soil. Good luck.


I dont, but I watched a bunch of videos of guys saying how powerful it is, and that it can burn your plants if you use to much etc etc etc. So I wrongly assumed it would be pretty high in NPK, but I will say this, the Soil on those two plants has got to be VERY VERY VERY alive at this point considering I used 3/4 gallon of FPJ with 1/4 gallon of water.


Standard OP: 50/50 and see how the plants react and adjust accordingly

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everything i saw said between 1 to 500 and 1 to 1000, hence why I had to go strong to see what would happen lol


I’d love that too! Having cheap testing capabilities would be sweet…

Just following in this same idea(even though @JoeCrowe did this a few weeks ago already) I went ahead and did straight jlf for two plants I have outside. It’s been sitting for the better part of a year. It’s low EC but we will see how they respond.


So, After Squeezing the liquid from 5 gallons of plant matter By hand, I have decided, that the 11 gallons of plant matter I have in Buckets right now, is waiting until next month when I get a fruit/cheese press. That is a HELL NO never again by hand, My arthritis is NOT happy with me.


Ouch i can imagine how stiff your hands are right now LOL

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well it was 2 days ago and they are still thobbin lol


Now just remember this for next time…
… because… ya know, there’s gonna be a next time… :laughing: :vulcan_salute:


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oh ya for sure!

If you put it in a 5 gallon fabric pot and the handles on a hook, you can twist everything out…thats how i do it