Cannabis or Marijuana?

Howdy @Bayarealivingsoil, more specifically about the origin of the word marijuana/marihuana this is a passage from Cannabis by Chris Duvall as it relates to the origin of the term marijuana:

Importantly, the word marihuana suggests slave agency, and a faint cultural inheritance from enslaved people shipped from coastal Central Africa. The Central American term marihuana is a borrowing of mariamba, the plural of riamba, an older pronunciation of diamba. Drug Cannabis spread in subaltern social networks in Central America. In Colombia in the 1980’s ‘marimba’ meant drug Cannabis in a community established by escaped ‘Congo’ slaves in the 1500’s. Cognates of mariamba also persist in Brasil. The earliest documentation of any form of diamba is from 1843; the term was widespread in the Atlantic during the 1890’s. When marihuana was first written in nineteenth century Mexico, it was a ‘Mexican’ term without history. The African origin of marihuana has been over looked because this derived form differs superficially from diamba, the form that currently dominates. At some point, ‘Congo’ slaves used plural nouns in the trade language KiMbundu to name smoked herbs - ma’kaña for tobacco (and Cannabis) and mariamba for Cannabis - and these plural forms became established locally in the Americas.

Tagging @Upstate because I think you may also enjoy how the etymology of the word is said to have ‘Congo’ roots with branches in Colombia, Brasil, and Central America, all places with legendary heirloom varieties.

Duvall’s more recent publication is titled - The African Roots Of Marijuana. Hope this is helpful. Many blessings and much love

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Reefer Madness


I always associated the term Marijuana with cops and knarks. No one called it that except those trying to entrap you. Everyone called it weed… herbs…buds…
However, Cannabis is the accurate scientific name. I still use all 4 terms interchangeably


Cannabis is the correct term, derived from the ancient Akkadian language and, handed down to western society through our Greco-Roman roots. The word Marijuana, despite it’s potentially being a derivation of foreign (to western ideological mindsets) language phonemes, has primarily been used as a derogatory term, to differentiate “good” medical usage of pharmacological Cannabis derivatives from “bad” recreational Marijuana usage. : Marijuana is a derogatory term used by the judicial heirarchy to demonize users.

The term Cannabis, which has long been known for having uses as a pharmaceutical drug, is deeply ingrained in Western history. The usage of the word Cannabis has come to us from Greece through their acquisition of the word from the Ancient Akkadians. Cannabis is the correct term. Cannabis, cannabinoids, cannabinaceae… these are the words more actively embraced by a scientific community and, vis-a-vis, promoted by the medical community.

The word Marijuana is of indeterminate origins and, has mainly been used for demonizing recreational usage; e.g: “marijuana” is “the devil’s weed” used by"psycopaths" who smoke it and “lose their minds”. Those of us who use cannabis as a recreational drug, know it as marijuana due to the war on drugs and negative propaganda which has been being used to steer the public away from recreational usage.


I. My state legally ( licensed by the state) sold weed is cannabis

And illegal weed is Marijuana


Can’t call it Dope anymore. Meth culture stole it.


Culture. xwi2Y3G


Copper is their biggest export.


OMG.I just blew coffee outta my nose. :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::rofl::joy: No truer words have ever been typed.


Oh man this thread has got me interested and a down a history rabbit hole researching

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I switch between saying weed or cannabis depending on the tone of the conversation. Pretty much never say marijuana.

I was under the impression that it’s oldest / correct name was Ganja (sanskrit) :person_shrugging:


I like the terms cannabis, weed, herb or ganja.

Marijuana is a word used by the enemy (unjust law enforcement).


Marijuana is mexican spanish term lol just look at how you pronounce the J lmfao, just like Juan. im in california i know spanish when i hear it. weed is the street slang in america. cannabis is the books version, err the scientific term. and the industrial plant is hemp.


I’ve heard marijuana could have originated from several things, like Angolan people bringing it up through South America, or even something to do with Chinese terminology. I don’t know. The US government may have tried to scare people who were afraid of foreigners with it, but to me, I mean I grew up and have lived around Mexican and Spanish immigrant families my whole life, and I don’t let white-bread racists take a word they may have used and demonize it like that… as a tool to turn racists people afraid of other cultures, against them like that… I proudly smoke that wonderful Mexican Marihuana, just like I smoke pot, weed, grass, and even the stuffy “proper” term in cannabis. It’s all good stuff man.


just remembered that weed came from china. so i googled what did ancient china call Cannabis. they called it Ma.

edit: lets not make that statement concrete just yet… ill have to rephrase that.
So, the oldest KNOWN documents of cannabis came from china.

Yea my understanding was china also

All I know is it’s called the budha, the bomb,the ganja,the Maui wowie, the sweet, the green, the Mary, the Jane, the chronic, the Michael Jordan, the purps, the draw, the great, the crystal palace, the money tree, the honey tree,the money maker, the cash cropper, the crop, the crippler,the couch locker, the flyer, the creative writing maker…bla bla bla…

All I know is I bought a plant at a nursery and it was labled “raspberry bush” cops busted me and I told the judge the nursery are the dealers…

The judge thanked me for my honesty and she went there and stocked up on primo…


I never use the word “marijuana” because it’s an early example of the government lying to us.

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I prefer Cannabis, because that’s the name of the plant (whether you’re talking about hemp or “marijuana”). The other names for it are derogatory/loaded with derogatory intent.