Cannabis or Marijuana?

Title says it plain.

I was raised calling Weed Marijuana now its called Cannabis. Can someone please help me understand what happened.

Thanks OG.


I go with cannabis or weed but am unsure of the history. Aside from a name, weed is something along the lines of bacon or cold hard cash ā€” where if someone offered it to me and they called it just about anything Iā€™d accept happily.

Anybody want some weed? No? Only cannabis smokers here I see? :wink:


Iā€™d like to help but I donā€™t think youā€™d understand.


To dumb it down a little, marijuana is the name given to the plant as they call it in Mexico, when it passed into the US, the government labeled it that name as the a ā€œdrug nameā€. It is still in use today in law because of that, but it is becoming more common to call it by its scientific name, Cannabis.


Marijuana is a name given to the plant by the US government to associate it with Mexico. Itā€™s a racist thing, tbh.

Itā€™s Cannabis.

Edit - resimax beat me


Itā€™s the rolling back of the war on drugs propaganda imo.


Basically, it was a word created to stigmatize its use, spelling it slightly different than how it was in its native countries:

The use of ā€œmarihuanaā€ in American English increased dramatically in the 1930s, when it was preferred as a ā€œforeign-sounding nameā€ to stigmatize it during debates on the drugā€™s use.[12] [13] The word was codified into law and became part of common American English with the passing of the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937.


Harry Anslibger started calling it that to make it scarier sounding to white people. It has racist connotations. Dude was a piece of shit.

ā€œHarry Anslinger, the bureaucrat who led the prohibition effort, is credited as saying back then: ā€œThere are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz and swing result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and any others.ā€


Devilā€™s Lettuce?


Reefer, the satanic plant of evil.


Further more itā€™s most likely derived from a word stolen from African slaves or a term used to describe a native South American tobacco
Basically itā€™s a made up word that has no real sensible origin , similar to other words but not the same , a bastardization of somebody elseā€™s language then used as a racist propaganda tool in the war on drugs.


The word entered English usage in the late 19th century. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the first known appearance of a form of the word in English is in Hubert Howe Bancroftā€™s 1873 The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America.[12]

Pretty racist propaganda to try to control people back then when there was a lot of hate in this world. Iā€™d like to think this world is better now, but we can always better ourselves.

Light a joint, and pass it to your neighbor, regardless of who they are is one step towards accepting people for who they are.


Iā€™m a little depressed now. Iā€™m a White American, ashamed to be associated with a place that has treated many different groups of people so poorly for so long, with it still pretty wide-spread to a lesser extent.

It is up to each one of us individually to change that. Love your neighbor. A single small act of kindness or hate by a single individual can cascade into a very significant and lasting effect. Letā€™s all aim for spreading love, and treat our fellow humans as they truly are.


Here is a 2005 paper that tried to study the etymology of the term by surveying itā€™s use and related spellings:

"The Mysterious Origins of the Word ā€˜Marihuanaā€™ "
spp153_marijuana.pdf (1.3 MB)

The authors conclude this paper with uncertainty and possibility rather than conclusion as it has been often used as slang for a long time. It does not address how the term is utilized or stigmatized within modern history.

Personally, Iā€™ve used either term interchangeably in casual discussion as in the general use it means the same thing as saying, weed. Cannabis being a more proper term and relates to the taxonomy classification within Cannabaceae.


Thatā€™s what I was thinking of.

It has countless names worldwide. Weed and Marijuana have been co-opted and used pejoratively.


Hell yes, ā€œthe shrub of understanding!ā€ :+1:

I think I need to increase the depth of my own understanding. Time to hit the 20" bong!


Well said @resimax. Totally agree.

Back in the day the plant was known to most as hemp cannabis sativa. Hemp was the more common vernacular in the United States at the time and the word marijuana spelled marihuana was purposefully used to have it fly under the radar so to speak when passing new legislation, people wouldnā€™t associate it with the plant they were already familiar with hemp, they thought it was some totally different thing. In addition to changing the verbage to be sneaky little dorks, they wanted the chosen term that would be targeted for misinformation to also be associated with Mexicans immigrants and such.

Mellon helped orchestrate this for financial interests and consolidation of economic power back in the day via entities like DuPont and the like.

There was actually outrage by many medical professionals at the time as they had been using, prescribing, and treating patients with hemp cannabis sativa for some time. The plant has been with humans for millennia. When some medical professionals realized the language had been purposefully deceptive, specifically changing the name to marijuana/marihuana, it was made known. Iā€™ll look for some of the quotes, they are some real OGā€™s from back in the day! Hope this helps. Many blessings and much love


It was becoming very popular. There were many smoking lounges/bars


Iā€™ve actually find myself saying ā€œflowerā€ more than I ever used to :man_shrugging:

All we used to have was weed, and hash. But now there are budders, badders, shatters, etc etc, various concentrates. So now, unless I specify ā€œflowerā€, I feel like Iā€™m not being clear about what Iā€™m smoking.


I need that flash frozen live resin or fresh press percy rosin in 510 cartridge preferably at lower voltage about