Getting older

I dont respond a lot or show my grows but I do come on this site often to learn from this community. I recently got invited to camping trip to catch up with old friends , I realized on this trip how out of touch I am with newer generation pot heads , some of the moms took the younger kids down to the beach followed by the sound of LETS SMOKE so I immediately pulled out my big fat joint thinking it would get passed around like the old days eager to show off my herb as I lifted my head I noticed everyone had their own electric vape I’m thinking ok maybe every thing is getting passed around the table … nope . As i puffed on my joint i tried passing to girl on the left she says no thank u i hold it out offering it but no takers my two friends i grew up with are laughing … I’m looking at them asking WHAT? One of them says let me see it I’ll try it like it was weird I was offering my joint to the group . So after talking with them these 19 to 23 year old young adults (five of them ) are not interested in flower things came up about bugs/ dirt / to much stink / taste funny dirty/ I dont want to get sick . They all smoke everyday but none are interesting in growing or smoking flower , all this blows my mind as a young adult I always thought how great it would be to grow now that we have this freedom it seems a large percentage of young adults have no interest and are not aware of any friends that do grow or smoke flower . I sat around thinking I’m getting old people dont even share a joint anymore .


I’ve noticed this as well, I personally don’t like dabs and vapes so we stick with fat joints. We arent around too many people that age, but people on our group, mid 30s to early 60s, all smoke joints and pass them around. It just feels right.


No matter which topic, the youth is always going to be different than older generation. It is weird to look at, but when you were young the older probably had a similar look at you.


Ya it didnt feel right kind of had a feeling of selfishness but that’s just the way it is now they prefer gummies or vapes ,no flower no passing joints around I can not help but think covid had some impact on not sharing, no conversation on weed being smoked nothing just pull put the vape pens .it was funny watching them move around avoiding the smoke from my joint


Thats all just so foreign to me, I can’t imagine not passing joints around.


For what it’s worth, i never pass my blunts. In being not so young ^^
I prefer to put the buds on the table and everybody deal with it, his way. Or eventually rolling a couple to directly pass.


Smoking anything has become way less cool


It also goes with the legalization and weed becoming a product. Access to vapes was impossible in the old days, let alone extracts. Now it’s pretty common and marketing is working at its best (or worth). Follow the same trend than tobacco.


I’m mid 30s and my friends who partake all enjoy a joint. I do think that while there have always been germophobes and hypochondriacs, covid put those tendencies into overdrive. A lot of people forgot that communicable disease is just part of life.

I will say that one of said friends was talking shit about my homegrown last time I saw him. Said the potency didn’t measure up to his preferred dispo prerolls. Well, that guy ended up getting cannabinoid hyperemesis and I attribute some or even all of that to the sketchy stuff they spray and treat dispo weed with. See the other thread on dirty California weed or whatever it’s called.

I do vape as my daily driver but it’s dry homegrown herb only for me. It’s the only way I can consume in my house since I have smol kids. I love it, but if I’m camping with the homies you know it’s all about catching a fire bro. If I don’t wake up in the tent with a scratchy burnt throat something has gone terribly wrong haha.


I don’t share anymore personally, I roll everyone their own, only reason is because in the past year I’ve smoked with people that told me after the fact that they were sick or didn’t tell me.


Some how I think it’s the plan
Get them lazy
Get them used to just eating a candy
They are on Your hook.
I prefer to grow my own hooks lol


I have at all times about 3 to 5 live resin carts. My partner doesn’t like smoke and when I smoke my stuff, it really reeks and stays on my clothes for a long time. So even I prefer the carts more because it is easier to just take a quick puff and keep it moving. None will notice. Just have to make sure the stuff is clean and legit. A lot of times it be that the younger people won’t notice if they’re growing up used to it. I talk about this in the dirty secret of California cannabis topic.


Mrs Foreigner has carts for square social functions but prefers joints.


You gotta remember that they banned smoking before they legalized pot. They were very smart about pitting pot people against ciggarettes as part of all this.

Blame California.


With a few exceptions I can smoke pot wherever I want.


I did a little reading on cartridges found a article about the danger of some , just briefly scammed over not really retaining all the info correctly as I’m not really interested. It talked about flashpoint(that may be the wrong terminology) how some use chemicals with high flashpoint to extract the thc into thc oil. The idea being thc has a low temperature flashpoint to ignite/burn it whyll the chemical residue remains solid/stable or unaffected by low temperatures. If something goes wrong (gets to hot )the cartridge fails for safety reasons. When cartridges are out of thc they stop working but it looks (visually) like more oil is available but what they are seeing is mostly material used for extraction . People are opening the cartridges harvesting this material and dumping it into a new cartridge that can handle a higher volt battery (higher flashpoint/temperature) and smoking chemicals getting sick . I see a lot of companies sell it as one unit battery/cartridge as disposable with no visuals on how much oil is let to avoid people from doing stupid things . Seems easier to just smoke flower but I guess discretion is a concern for some as stated above with family .


Im 40. I need to know “you” better than that before I share a joint with you. I don’t know what’s in yours, what kind it is, if your intentions are good or you plan on knocking me out and dragging me into the woods. Also germs, my germs, I am around kids all day and unless your are too, your immune system is not prepared for this mess.

My husband used to try to pass me stuff all the time, or leave something lit for me to run out and hit. No dude. Smoke your joint and I’ll smoke mine, I don’t have time for all the puff puff pass. Or the guy who wants to hold the J and tell a month long story.

I share by telling you to pick a nuggie out of the Cannatrol and roll it up.

Great topic! My dad smokes with me and he will try to pass anything to anyone. He considers it polite. I need to get him to start being polite with a handshake with a surprise inside.


We smoke joints all the time and pass them around but it’s a small circle. I don’t like passing a joint with more than 3 people… Then it’s one man one spliff politics


I don’t trust anything that’s making people this much money.

Vaping has been around roughly since 2003 and I’m not gonna trust studies presented by the profiting but rather stand back and observe.

We all know the adverse effects of smoke inhalation, this has been around since we found fire and clubbed things to then stick in there to eat. It’s not great but at least there’s no surprises. This is why I dab now, or smoke hash, and when I smoke unrefined I mix hash with that ground flower when I consume it to ensure I actually get an effect… tolerance problems yo!

I always talk about what I have before anyone gets offered it. Often it’s because it’ll floor them if I don;t. :rofl:


I’m 28 and I think among the last generation of smokers. My nephew is 19 and his first experience with cannabis was a vape pen. Push a button and pull. No scrounging for a smoking device and swiping matches. Cartridges the way they are today weren’t really around until I had a good 5 years of joint smoking under my belt. Fortunately for me he still enjoys joints/bongs/bowls.