To be clear:

This is a gow forum and chill zone.

This is not a political soap box, noone cares about your affiliations.

There have been two attempts today to start political discourse and both have been ended.

Political posts don’t last very long when we find them and people who participate in them usually don’t either as they just won’t give it up.

The topics always lead to fights and suspensions and that’s not what I or anyone else on the @moderators team feel like dealing with today either.

So in closing, keep it high and tight in the pocket and don’t stray into lands that threads don’t belong in.

Thanks y’all!


Oh i like you even more now


Sorry “mea culpa”


amen to that

Keep political thoughts to your self they have no place on this forum


Thank you @toastyjakes @moderators


:+1: Thanks!


I stand by what I said…at this point I’ll take a ban :100:


I screenshot that…putting that in my pocket for future use

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I bet you will. Another one fast to give shit out but a flannel when it comes back


Refer to this thread if you wish to post directly relevant / cannabis related political news:

This is not the site for political arguments or meandering otherwise. There are plenty of alternative sites for such political discourse.


Not everything is cannabis related though. @murciano207 threads have all been dropped because people don’t agree. None of us agree with the system. So please I beg you don’t let this place become “the system” I’m here for the growing. Willing to share my projects with these people regardless of their political beliefs. But to silence people is literally what we’re opposing is it not? If I’m wrong I’ll deactivate my account :100: because that’s the impression I got.

I like you @Northern_Loki but this is not what I signed up for bro


You silence people with ur little flagging system why you dont like being silenced?

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Lol. I’ve not flagged a single post because I’m of the belief freedom of speech is a God given right. But had plenty of mine flagged so you’re kinda making yourself look a knob there :100:


Its not me being the knob…im baiting you…i want you to keep typing

You do you mate. You literally said the other day “I must be doing it right because I’ve got haters on multiple forums” That says enough to me. I didn’t even have you ignored but you will be now. As far as I’m aware it’s people like you we try to swerve buddy.


I like getting flagged…it’s cute. If they dont like to see whay i have to say they have the choice to turn it off…i have the choice to turn you off…OG has the choice to turn off certain topics…youd make a great tyrannical dictator…but a horrible sponsor

…did he run out of things to yell about? …whered he go?

So yeah if you want me to pander to gaslighting then you best remove me from OG. I ain’t gonna back down on this one


General politics is not happening here.

Why? Because each of those involved eventually becomes butthurt, engaged users start bitching/whining/complaining/engaging in attacks, and the moderation team is left to clean up the mess. That type of discourse has proven to be toxic, it becomes divisive, has shown that some folk have difficulties keeping it cordial, and wraps-up antithesis of this sites purpose.

Yes. And, that aligns perfectly fine. You have been a valuable member and contributor in this way. I would go as far as to say, excellent content.

We have purposefully limited political discourse / argument. Not sure if that’s your complaint but there are no plans to allow such threads to continue. Self-extinguishing posts are not the concern. The on-going never ending political rhetoric is. It’s not difficult to avoid, there are more constructive dialogs to be had.