Cannabis or Marijuana?


I’m thinking mid/late-90’s from what I can recall. Great lakes region. Terminology was very loose.


1.8v-2.2v is where i like to live.

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This is how the west coast Mexicans i work with say it. They are from Oaxaca, jalisco, Guerrero and Pueblo( i think)


Calling it " smoke" was popular in my area. : "do you have any smoke?


That’s an impressive list! I don’t even recognize half the names. My favorite is “doobie.”

Time to take that streetcar uptown.


Good one. Doobie, joint, smoke, herb, bud.

Column 1 Column 2 Source Comment
weed :smoking: MacDonald
pot :smoking: MacDonald
chronic :smoking: MacDonald
ganja :smoking: MacDonald
hash :smoking: MacDonald
the devil’s lettuce :smoking: MacDonald
marijuana (marihuana, et al) :smoking: Piper
cannabis :smoking: Piper
muggles :smoking: Piper 60-70’s NYC
mooter :question: Piper
Mary Warner :question: Piper
Mary Jane :smoking: Piper
Indian hay :question: Piper
loco weed :question: Piper
love weed :question: Piper
bambalacha :question: Piper
mohasky :question: Piper
mu :question: Piper
moocah :question: Piper
grass :smoking: Piper
tea or blue sage :question: Piper
killers :question: Piper
goof-butts :question: Piper
joy-smokes :question: Piper
giggle-smokes :question: Piper
reefers :smoking: Piper
doobie :smoking: OG
smoke :smoking: OG
bud :smoking: OG
herb :smoking: OG
flower :smoking: OG
joint :smoking: OG
spliff :smoking: OG

I tend to refer to it as cannabis or A Cannabis, because that’s amusing to me. “I’m going to have A Cannabis.” (also weed)

I may start using “goof-butts” because that’s delightful. :thinking:


I have already proposed this term to the friends who most often come over to consume One or More Cannabis goof-butts.

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Too bad Grok thinks a bag full of weed is weed cereal. :crazy_face::crazy_face:

The first time I made BHO I started making balls of it mixed with flower for my wife’s vaping gadget. They looked like rabbit poop, and the name stuck. :carrot::rabbit2::poop:

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Marijuana is 4 syllables yet cannabis is 3. Weed is 1! It’s simply a matter of efficiency.


Remember kids, only dopes use dope🤣


Ok just read everything since yesterday, I’m all caught up!
Wait a minute,what?

I love that. Welcome to my home. Would you care for A cannabis? Sorry but I’m sooooo using that one.

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Omg. There was a pizza place back in the 90s you could order a pizza and request the delivery guy by name and he would bring you a fresh hot pizza made to order AND a sac of weed. Those were the days. Yeah he got sooooo busted!

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great thread. yes, i support the idea that marijuana is an anachronism from a racist time.

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Mota was used around these parts

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This thread is proof. Fucking amazing. So much information, humor and music. Are you kidding me? History, etymology, botany, slavery, racism, oppresion, lies, fucking law enforcement, Africa China South America North America and local lore all discussed in a spirit of joy.

Happy as a plant in 9th week of flower.

Noone said Collie weed, was dank mentioned how bout bammer?

Thanks OG

Bless Up