Cannabis Seed Stratification

I’ve noticed there being little on the subject of seed stratification here on OG. Of the things I’ve found on the forum have been vague “in passing” comments about stratification.

What is Seed Stratification?

Stratification is a process of treating seeds to simulate natural conditions that seeds would experience in the soil over-winter to break seed dormancies and initiate the germination process. Stratification treatments are applied when the seed is being propagated in a greenhouse setting or in a way/schedule that is not aligned with the natural germination cycle. Seeds and seed mixes which are sown outdoors in the fall do not require stratification treatments.

While cannabis seeds don’t really require a cold period to germinate. I wonder if doing so triggers a response in the seed somehow.

A lot of Indoor growers I’ve talked to in passing always reference that they do things a certain way to be as close to natural growth, like how the sun acts.

Wondering if anyone has a take on seed stratification? If they’ve tried it and if it was a success.

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I have always stored my seeds in a dry airtight container in the fridge. I do it for long term storage, not for cold stratification. But I guess it’s more or less the same idea. I’ve never had issues germinating any of my seeds so technically it could be classified proper storage or cold stratification. Either way it’s been working for me


I’m thinking about giving it a try, just to see if it increases the chance for some seeds to germinate that are hard to get a pop.

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Are they older seeds?

Yeah, I have a couple that are over 8 years old that have been sitting in an old photo container with a silica pack.

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I have heard of using a couple drops of hydrogen peroxide in warm water for 24 hours the help soften the really hard shell.
Or scuff the shell a bit with sand paper. I haven’t had to do this personally I just read about people doing this with older seeds.

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I use a nail file, but the same idea. I haven’t tried the hydrogen peroxide.

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Usually if a seed gives me trouble I just use the paper towel method and a heat mat. That has always worked but then again I haven’t tried to germ an 8 year old seed

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Yeah, I use the top my burple light as the heat.

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I have experimented with this with different stages of fresh seeds, and freezing them never helped with germination rates for me. Although putting your seeds in with some silica packets prolly wouldn’t hurt.