Brand new to this

I am totally new to this. I have some seeds and am needing advise on how best to germinate and grow them. I’ve grown one plant from a cutting. It did ok but I didn’t get much off of it. I’m growing indoors and have a King growing and blooming light.
What is the best way to germinate the seeds?


Details brotha… What kind of setup is it soil or hydro. What kind of nutes do you use these all affect your yield. Are the seeds old or fresh. If fresh they just need to be moistened and should be good… If they are old you should lighlty agitate the seed seem with a emery board then soak overnight
Ph and welcome to overgrow harley


As far as germination, I always use a damp paper towel, folded in a sandwich bag, in a cupboard for a day or so, but that is really up to the beans, and how stubborn they want to be, ive read. Beyond that, as the previous comment say, we would need some more info :slight_smile: Welcome


hey @harleyman first let me say welcome to OG! then there are lots of people here to help. by your name I will assume your a brotha of the wind…


Welcome to Overgrow @harleyman! The search feature will help you on many questions you might have here. I germinate my seeds this way…First I put the seeds into the fridge or freezer. After a day or two in the cold I soak seeds in room temp water, in the dark, for 24 hours, then transfer to a moist paper towel in a ziplock. I seal the ziplock after exhaling into it and put it onto a warm place ( top of my fridge) and cover with a paper plate ( to keep light out. A Check carefully every 12 hours.When seed sprouts ( in the initial 24 hour soak or in the paper towel) I place into a 1/2 to 3/4 full clear solo cup filled with a moist seedling starter medium, use a 1/4 inch deep hole made with he end of a chopstick, and cover loosely with some seedling mix. I try and orient the sprouting seed with the tip of the shoot down. Put the clear cup ( with drain holes) into a colored Solo, allows me to monitor root development to know when to up-pot), medium to be moist, not totally saturated. I top these with a smaller clear plastic cup that can hold in humidity, and put them under low intensity light. Once they start showing the leaves above the first cotlydons, I remove humidity domes and allow to acclimatize to normal humidity levels. I leave them under low light until I see a good amount of roots then they go to the veg area. If a seed shell is hung up on the top of the sprout, I spray with water, intermittently, until it falls off on its own.


Thanks! My setup is soil and what are nutes? The seeds are about a year I’ll agitate them with an emery board.

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Thank you! Glad to be here. I was a brotha of the wind but arthritis, neuropathy made me stop. A very hard decision to make. Had a '99 Heritage Classic. Black and chrome. Was very hard to give up.


Thanks! I really appreciate the help.

Nutrients :joy:

I use anold empty pill bottle with some sand paper inside shake em.around a bit it will loosen thevseeds welcome to the forum enjoy youself

Peace out and stay safe


You’re new, so simplest method is best. Just directly sow the seeds into a container of wet soil or a wet rockwool cube.

Don’t over complicate or overthink things, at this stage you’re more likely to kill the seedling than to try to “optimize” with fancy techniques or equipment. Treat it like any other plant seed.

Keep your area at normal room temperatures and they’ll sprout soon. Keep the media moist. Use strong light from the beginning to keep them from becoming lanky and falling over. A lot of people think seedlings can’t handle strong light and that’s simply untrue. They sprout in the desert in the sun, they can handle it and do better with it.


well I am in about that boat now as well, but still brothers in the wind.

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Welcome to OG friend. I struggled with germination as well. This is the only way I’ve had 100% successful. Best of luck to you. By the way, what strain are you planning on growing?


This. I use very small pots of pro-mix and bury the seeds 1cm deep. Keep it simple.


I love Indian food and these tubs come
in handy for everything

This is how I do my seeds,wet kitchen roll dark cupboard,I’ve popped 8 year old seeds this way


Second the use of the Super Sprouter. I’m using it for the first time and have good results so far.

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instead of putting my paper towel in plastic baggies I bought some inexpensive like tupper ware containers at family dollar for $1 for 4, reusable. I only need 4 though, some of you would want more.


Thats a good idea. I only a use a single bag every few months, so I have never thought much of changing it up. OP a lot of these suggestions should work in most situations, but depending on the seeds, and the environment you are in, certain things may be more beneficial to you than others.

My grow area is in the basement, the baggies are in the kitchen , Not saying my sandwhich plastic things are better, i got tired of running up stairs for the baggies lol


I just figure any chance to eliminate plastic waste can’t be bad, right? :slight_smile: