CaptainRon's Imaginarium: Off-grid, indoor growing(DLA 5.3 Soma's Amnesia Haze), geothermal greenhouse build, a place to store my thoughts

Very cool thread. I’m thinking I’ll build a greenhouse one day; it’s nice to see this one come together.

I’ve got a few dla 5.3 going myself. Ended up with two male / two female. They are fairly happy (i.e. not fussy) plants. Looking forward to them finishing up. I threw some pollen at stardawg and alien cookies clones I had, and might throw at a few more here soon.

Thanks for sharing your setup. I’ve always wanted to go off grid, but at this point in my life don’t see it as a very clear option. Maybe in another 15 years.


The 5.3 has been a pleasure to grow so far.
Are you in flower?

Thank you for your kind words and support, brother! Means a lot :purple_heart:

A stardawg hash plant sounds insane! I’d love to see that baby grown out.
Did you cross just for the hell of it or where you trying to add something to the star?


Mostly just for the hell of it. I had spread around a few clones outdoors. I don’t mess with anything I put in the ground here, so decided to throw pollen at them. Also I want to pare down the clones I’ve been keeping. Getting them somewhat into seed form is a vague goal, ideally I’d S1 the stardawg (and others).

My DLA girls are about 7 weeks into flower. Structure-wise they are slightly different. One is taller.
Just snapped these pics, the light is off in my tent.

These were the two males on day 1 of flowering. Almost exactly the same.

I let them mature outside and ended up taking pollen from one of them with a few paper plates like this:

Will be cool to see how yours turn out.


Everything looks good but I don’t want your posts to be shorter …I use windows but it seems you should be able to download an installer package from Apple :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m happy to work this problem with you as well. What you said might be correct but they’re probably is a safe to use alternative. I’ll do some homework and get back to you.


@globalhead and @Coffweed you guys are the best, thank you for your time! :purple_heart:

I haven’t made seeds before but I’m hoping this coming year I’ll be able to get my feet wet. I’d definitely prefer more seeds of the things I like v. clones.

How long do you think you’ll take the girls? I haven’t found any flower times and usually just go with the flow anyway.

How’s the nose, I’ve read a few other peoples write ups on the original DLA 5, and most say they get earthy funk.

Yours are looking gorgeous, great job brother!


Thanks. I generally aim for 10 weeks and then play it by ear. Usually have a few different things going, so it’s a compromise between strains at the end, as I have to harvest everything at the same time. These smell a little more piney/gassy to me, they did have more funk earlier. We’ll see how they finish.

Yours are looking great too, I’m sure that training will pay off. I usually just top mine once and let them ride.



The last grow I did I mainlined for 8 tops on 3 plants.
Truth be told I didn’t find it worth all the time invested. I’m glad I tried it out though to see it wasn’t my style.

Thanks for taking the time to share all the info, your time is appreciated!

I look forward to when you pop those stardawg5.3’s


This thread is gold.
-truly enjoyed working my way through the grow journal man.
Following along from here.

-Keep on growing…
-Make more seeds
-Overgrow the World!


Thank you so much, brother @Longtooth ! Your kind words and support mean a lot, and I’m glad to have ya along for the ride!

Overgrow the world!


Good morning OverGrow,
Hope you all had a great week out there in the world and that your gardens are thriving!

It’s been cooling off quick up here with most nights this last week dropping to the low 40s.

But the colder temps usher in the stunning colors of Vermont’s autumn foliage.
For those who have never seen, I will share once in peak. Usually by second week of October.

The girls have now finished their first week of flower.
On Tuesday, 9/3 I top fed everyone with;
The 3 gals got 1.5 tblspn bat(7-3-1) and seabird guano (0-11-0), with 3 tblspn worm castings.
The 2.5 gals for 1 tblspn guanos, 2 tblspn castings.

Finally added a layer of hardwood shavings; white ash, maple, yellow birch, white birch, to the top of the pots to cover soil so it won’t dry out.

Very happy ladies :blush:

I also wanted to take a moment to remind everyone about fire safety! :fire::fire_extinguisher::fire_engine::firefighter::heart_on_fire::rescue_worker_helmet::cold_sweat:

A reminder to make sure you have fire extinguishing devices by your grow setups! Electrical fires are very real and being unprepared for such an event could be catastrophic for you and many others.

  • Take the time to manage your cables.
  • How old is the electrical in your house/apartment?
  • Is everything run through a single surge protector and then into a single outlet?
    That’s a ton of power for a single outlet to handle.
  • Are your extinguishers expired? Truth be told, mine is and I didn’t realize until checking this morning.

The last thing the community needs at this stage is house fires by growers who don’t care enough or aren’t aware of the real dangers of running thousands of watts to grow plants.
Once that were to hit the news I’d imagine the talks would start with the dick bags that make the rules for us to follow and I’d imagine those dick bags would love to take our growing privileges away. I’m off grid and that wouldn’t really affect me much but would very much affect people in rural and city areas alike.

Unfortunately I don’t have much to share on the greenhouse. I was able to get in there earlier in the week but my focus was on splitting wood. And boy are my hands sore…

That’s all for me this week,

Cheers :potted_plant:


Absolutely on point 100%. Thanks Ron!



That’s what I was thinking of, my lights are on while I zz|nullxnullso it would be too late for an :fire_extinguisher:, useful warning… beer3|nullxnull


I have never grown inside under high intensity lights specifically because I was afraid of it catching fire and getting me busted. :frowning:


@CaptainRon . I have only now found this grow journal. I am surprised to find that you and I have very similar lifestyles. I also live “ off grid” and am about to start building an in-ground greenhouse. I intermittent fast like you do as well. I have for about 30 years. I have never married a stripper but have dated several. :rofl: Anyway, I will be following your adventures. Peace brother. :rainbow:


@Magu wow brother this is awesome!

It sounds like we are on similar journey’s, although I must admit I have never dated a stripper haha, that’s was our brother, Coff :wink:.

The day I started this journal, @Gpaw recommended an excellent book,

that has been an awesome resource to have on hand! I found it on Amazon, used for a good price.

I hope this is the start of a great friendship my brother!


Just watched the video on these as I hadn’t seen them before…
Yup those are a must have! Thank you so much my brother @Hemp for sharing :purple_heart:.

If my house catches fire there is no way firetrucks are making it in time, or possibly at all. All precautions are a must out here, thank you :pray:


Amazing update as per usual @CaptainRon! Thanks for the reminder about the extinguishers ill put that on my list of things to buy! Great tips i appreciate it! Plants are looking amazing too! Keep up the good work


Howdy captain! Been lurking in here for a while now. Love your story (the part about finding your teacher resonates with me especially) and ethos.

I am living vicariously through you as someone firmly tied to the grid haha. I’d love to buy some property out of town but I will likely be in the suburbs for the next couple decades. I’ve spent the last 5 years slowly converting a ~5,000 sqft lawn into a food forest. In my town they aren’t expanding the urban boundary but our population is rising, so houses and ADU’s are going up on any open land available. Everyone who has visited me has said I should do the same, so my revolutionary act is preserving this green space, growing my own food and medicine.

I have a 16x16 greenhouse that I want to move to a different corner of the yard. When I do I I’m planning to dig down at least a couple feet, so I’m loving seeing the progress on your build.

I was thinking about you and your fellow Vermontians this weekend. I visited last Spring for the first time, and the thing I noticed driving through the countryside was that for the most part everyone’s properties were clean and tidy, homes were in great shape. Out here in Oregon there are similar rural areas, but driving by you’ll see old cars, tractors, and junk all over people’s properties, homes with bad roofs or siding that needs repaired. I realized that because of the brutal winters up there, people have to have their shit together. Out West the seasons are mild and we don’t really have to prepare for anything, so we get lazy and complacent. (Although last year we had an ice storm where we didn’t have power and couldn’t leave the house for the week, so you never know…) Anyways, thanks for inspiring me to get my shit together haha and make a list of things I need to take care of before winter.

Back to weed… love your style & setup. Excited to see how those DLA’s turn out!